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2012年11月30日,天網公司(Skynet Electronic Co., Ltd.)向美國加州北區地方法院(U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California)提起專利侵權訴訟(案號為4:12-cv-06317),主張偉創力公司(Flextronics International, LTD.)侵害其一件專利權。


原告主張受到侵害的一件系爭專利,係為2005年9月27日核發之美國專利編號US6,950,318專利「Flyback converter for performing a zero voltage switch in boundary mode(用於在邊界模式下執行零電壓切換之反激式轉換器)」,這件專利共有9項專利範圍(包含1個獨立項),專利權人為天網公司。

本案的原告天網公司是一家台灣公司位於台北市南港區,主要生產運用於行動電話、筆記型電腦及平板電腦內的電源轉換器(power converter)等元件,依據其網路公開資訊,成立於1979年,員工570人,營業項目為「交換式電源供應器設計及製造,針對市場需求開發各類產品使用標準品及對個客戶需求研發新產品,提供合乎國際規範認證許可之優質電源供應器」。



表一、US 6,950,318請求項解析

US 6,950,318主要請求項
1. A flyback converter for performing a zero voltage switch in a boundary mode, comprising:
a transformer including a primary winding and a secondary winding;
a series circuit including at least one auxiliary capacitor and a switch at the primary side in series connected with the auxiliary capacitor, the series circuit being in parallel connected with the primary winding;
a switch at the secondary side being in series connected with the secondary winding;
a main switch being in series connected with one terminal of the series circuit adjacent to the auxiliary capacitor; and
at least one driver circuit interconnected the main switch and the auxiliary capacitor for sensing voltage at a joining node of the main switch and the auxiliary capacitor, generating a driver signal, and sending the same to the switches at the primary and the secondary sides for switching them respectively;
wherein when the switch at the secondary side is turned into a closed condition, the switch at the primary side is switched to a closed condition enabling the switch at the primary side to store the electric energy of the primary winding to the auxiliary capacitor; when the switch at the secondary side is turned from the closed condition into an opened condition, the closed condition of the switch at the primary side is maintained for a predetermined period of time enabling the auxiliary capacitor to charge the primary winding until the electric energy being charged into the transformer is sufficient to cause the main switch to perform a zero voltage switch.

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Skynet Electronic Co., Ltd v. Flextronics International, LTD.

訴訟名稱 Skynet Electronic Co., Ltd v. Flextronics International, LTD.
提告日期 2012年12月12日
原告 Skynet Electronic Co., Ltd
被告 Flextronics International, LTD.
案號 4:2012cv06317
訴訟法院 California Northern District Court
系爭專利 US 6,950,318

