2012年11月16日,本案系爭專利之專屬被授權人Orientview Technologies LLC公司 (下稱Orientview),向德拉瓦州聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告營運販售名牌女鞋、包包、珠寶等時尚配件之網站www.justfab.com的公司Just Fabulous, Inc.,其在其網站上提供個人化推薦商品資訊給個別顧客的服務,侵犯本案系爭專利所保護、透過電腦來依據不同觀看者特性呈現特定資訊的方法發明。
本案系爭專利為美國專利編號US 7,000,183,名稱為「依據觀看者而特定之資訊呈現方法與裝置(Method and apparatus for viewer-specific presentation of information)」,與2006年12月14日核發,發明人與原始權利人是John M. Crawford, Jr.。
關於本案原告Orientview並沒有太多公開資訊可供搜尋,在本案訴狀中亦僅被提及是一間德拉瓦州的有限責任公司;但本案系爭專利卻是出現在多起專利侵權訴訟案件中,例如在2011年2月16日,本案系爭專利當時的專屬被授權人Gildersleeve Holdings AG, LLC,向喬治亞州北區聯邦地院提告,控告網路書店Amazone、就業網站Dice、購車網站Carmax、運動商品購物網Dickssportinggoods等11家購物或服務網站公司,侵犯本案系爭專利(Gildersleeve Holdings AG, LLC v. Amazon.Com, Inc. et al,案號為1:11-cv-00472-JOF),而本案原告亦曾在2012年8月7日與8月31日,基於本案系爭專利向本案向相同法院提告,控告購物網站Skymall (Orientview Technologies LLC v. SkyMall Inc.,案號為1:12-cv-01016-SRF)與Sharperimage (Orientview Technologies LLC v. Iconix Brand Group Inc.,案號為1:12-cv-01095-SLR)侵犯其權利。(578字;表2)
US 7,000,183 請求項1 |
1. A computer-implemented method for viewer-specific presentation of information, the method using a computer comprising a CPU, a memory operatively connected to the CPU, and a program stored in the memory and executable by the CPU for presenting information, the method comprising:
establishing a database of metadata defining a predetermined plurality of viewer states, at least one data state corresponding to each of said plurality of viewer states, a plurality of data types, and a plurality of data elements, each of said data elements being tagged for association with at least one of said data types and one of said data states;
receiving a request for information from a viewer;
identifying a respective viewer state associated with said viewer, said respective viewer state being one of said plurality of viewer states;
referencing said database to identify a collection of one or more data states related to said viewer state;
referencing said database to identify a collection of multiple data types relating to the request for information;
referencing said database to identify a data element data store storing multiple data elements, each of said multiple data elements being tagged for association with one of said data states and one of said data types;
selecting viewer-specific data elements from said data store by determining a corresponding data state of each data element in said data store, examining data elements related to each data type, and for each data type selecting a corresponding data element having a corresponding data state that is preferred among said data states corresponding to said viewer state;
presenting said viewer-specific data elements to said viewer to satisfy said viewer's request for information.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/12
Orientview technologies LLC控告購物網站JustFab
訴訟名稱 |
Orientview Technologies LLC v. Just Fabulous Inc. |
提告日期 |
2012年11月16日 |
原告 |
Orientview Technologies LLC |
被告 |
Just Fabulous, Inc. |
案號 |
1:12-cv-01486-SLR |
訴訟法院 |
the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware |
系爭專利 |
US 7,000,183 |
訴狀下載 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/12