
行動裝置管理軟體專利戰: Good Technology 控告 AirWatch 侵犯其專利

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2012年11月22日
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2012 年 11 月 14 日,前身為 Visto Corporation 的 Good technology Corporation 以及 Good Technology Software, Inc. 公司 ( 下稱 Good Technology) ,向美國加州北區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告提供行動裝置管理 (Mobile Device Management, MDM) 軟體產品與技術服務的 AirWatch LLC 公司,其所販售產品或所提供服務,直接或間接侵犯了 Good Technology 所擁有之 4 項與無線通訊裝置通訊與資料管理相關的專利權利。

本案 4 項系爭專利為:

美國專利編號 US 6,151,606 ,名稱為 「使用工作場所資料管理來存取、操作與同步化網路資料的系統與方法( System and method for using a workspace data manager to access, manipulate and synchronize network data ) 」,於 2000 年 11 月 21 日核發;

美國專利編號 US 7,702,322 ,名稱為「散佈與更新無線通訊裝置中軟體的方法與系統( Method and system for distributing and updating software in wireless devices )」,於 2010 年 4 月 20 日核發;

美國專利編號 US 7,970,386 ,名稱為「監控與維護無線通訊裝置的系統與方法( System and method for monitoring and maintaining a wireless device )」,於 2011 年 6 月 28 日核發;

美國專利編號 US 8,012,219 ,名稱為「在受調整之遠端裝置上防止資料存取的系統與方法( System and method for preventing access to data on a compromised remote device )」,於 2011 年 9 月 6 日核發。

Good Technology 之前身 Visto Corporation 開發出安全存取遠端郵件與資料的專利技術,並透過興訟與多家科技大廠達成和解,其中著名者便是其與 Research In Motiom (RIM) 之間的和解協議。伴隨智慧型手機等行動裝置的盛行, Good Technology 的發展策略轉向發展「帶自己行動裝置來上班」 (Bring Your Own Device, BYOD) 所需的控管軟體與技術服務,且為強化在行動裝置資安管理方面的技術實力,剛於 2012 年 10 月收購了 AppCentral, Inc. 。

行動裝置管理 MDM 專利戰被視為智慧型手機的下一波戰線。 Good Technology 在本案同日,亦向相同法院基於同樣專利,對另一家 MDM 技術服務供應商 MobileIron Inc. 提起專利侵權告訴,案號為 3:12-cv-05826-EDL 。 (821 字;表 2)


Source: http://www.itlab.de/


US 6,151,606 請求項 1 US 7,702,322 請求項 1
1. A computer-based method, comprising the steps of:
1. A method comprising:
executing a workspace data manager (Fig.1 - 170) on an untrusted client site (Fig.1 - 120); 在一個未受信任之顧客網站上執行工作場所資料管理 receiving a message at a customer site (Fig.1 - 120) indicating that updates are available for a wireless device (Fig.1 - 130);
requesting the workspace data manager to access data (Fig.1 - 135) temporarily from a remote site (Fig.1 - 105), the remote being connected via a network (Fig.1 - 125) to untrusted client site;
assigning a software policy at the customer site defining rules uniquely identifying the updates for the wireless device;
initiating a communications channel with the remote site;
transmitting, based on the software policy, a notification to the wireless device that the updates are available to download;
downloading data from the remote site;
the wireless device transmitting device specific information to a web-based software server (Fig.1 - 103);
placing the data in temporary storage on the untrusted client site;
the web-based software server searching a comparability matrix to identify rules associated with each update;
前述軟體伺服器網頁搜尋一版本相容性矩陣,其用來指明與個別更新相關 之規則
using the workspace data manager to present the downloaded data; and
the wireless device receiving a message from the web-based software server indicating one or more files within the updates to download;
and downloading the one or more files from the web-based software server.
automatically disabling the untrusted client site from accessing at least a portion of the downloaded data after a user has finished using the data.


US 7,970,386 請求項 1 US 8,012,219 請求項 1
1. A user terminal comprising a wireless device (Fig.2 - 210), the wireless device comprising:
1. A method of controlling access to data including a plurality of sets of data,
a service (Fig.2 - 212) to maintain data objects, provide messaging capability, and provide data access capability on behalf of a user of the wireless device;
the plurality of sets of data comprising a first set of data items to be synchronized between a server system and a remote device, the remote device being remote from the server system, and a second, different, set of data items held on the remote device,
and a rules engine (Fig.2 - 214) communicatively coupled to the service to execute a set of rules transmitted to the wireless device from a server (Fig.2 - 230) so as to gather information related to the wireless device and to take action on the wireless device based on the gathered information and on the set of rules,
the first set of data items including data items whose values are updated at the server system in response to changes thereto on the remote device, the second set of data items including data items whose values are not updated at the server system in response to changes thereto on the remote device, the remote device providing access to at least some of the data held thereon,
the rules engine being triggered to gather the information repeatedly on the basis of a monitoring time interval, and the action taken comprising maintaining particular settings associated with the service.
the method comprising:
maintaining, on the remote device, a list identifying each data item as belonging to one of the first set and the second set;
Receiving (Fig.8A - 810), at the server system, an indication that the remote device is compromised, the indication originating from a source other than the remote device;
selecting, at the server system, a subset of data stored on the remote device, the selected subset of data being specified as having data items either from the first set or data items from the second set;
transmitting, to the remote device in response to the indication, a command to prevent access to the selected subset of data (Fig.8A - 818);
using, at the remote device, the list and specification of data items from the first or second set to identify the selected subset of data on the remote device;
preventing access to the identified subset of data based on the transmitted command;
and maintaining access to a further subset of data on the remote device, the further subset of data having data items from the first set or data items from the second set, the set of data of the plurality of sets to which the data items of the further subset of data belong being different to the set of data of the plurality of sets to which the data items of the selected subset of data belong.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理, 2012/11

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料: Good Technology 控告 AirWatch

訴訟名稱 Good Technology Corporation et. al. v. AirWatch, LLC
提告日期 2012 年 11 月 14 日
原告 Good Technology Corporation
Good Technology Software, Inc  
被告 AirWatch, LLC
案號 5:12-cv-05827-HRL
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
系爭專利 US 6,151,606
US 7,702,322
US 7,970,386
US 8,012,219
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理, 2012/11
