
B & W Sensors 對 ATS 提起行車速率偵測專利無效與不侵權的確認之訴

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2012年11月22日
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2012 年 11 月 13 日,一家設立於美國密蘇里州、以提供車速偵測與交通監控之技術服務的公司 B & W Sensors LLC ( 下稱 B & W Sensors) ,向美國密蘇里州東區聯邦地院提起確認之訴,請求法院就被告 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.( 下稱 ATS) 所宣稱擁有權利、並據以對 B & W Sensors 主張權利之兩項透過行車監控攝影機偵測行車速率的專利,做出專利無效與其權利未被 B & W Sensors 侵犯的宣告裁決 (declaratory judgment) 。

本案兩項系爭專利分別為美國專利編號 US 8,184,863 以及 US 8,213,685 ,名稱均為 「視訊速度偵測系統( Video speed detection system ) 」,發明人為 Jigang Wang ,前者於 2012 年 5 月 22 日核發,後者則於 2012 年 7 月 3 日核發。

American Traffic Solutions, Inc. 公司 之營運總部設立於亞利桑那州,提供道路安全監控攝影機相關技術與商業解決方案的公司。根據本案訴狀, ATS 於 2012 年 10 月 17 日透過其律師與 B &W Sensors 取得聯繫,表達 B &W Sensors 之複數行車追蹤系統 (Multiple Vehicle Speed Tracking system, MVST) 侵犯本案兩項系爭專利的數項請求項,而後在 10 月 18 日, ATS 向德州東區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告 MVST 系統侵權 (American Traffic Solutions, Inc. v. B& W Sensors LLC, 案號為 1:12-cv-00504-RC) 。 B & W Sensors 指陳, ATS 之前述動作讓其具備提起本案確認之訴的訴權。

最近,有些訴訟案以確認之訴提起,而且有增加之趨勢。當收到專利權人的警告信之後,可能被控侵權者可以考慮先提起專利確認之訴,化被動為主動,向法院提起以對該專利不構成侵權、專利無效或專利不可執行性為的確認之訴。先提起訴訟的好處之一是可以因為「先繫屬規定 (first filed) 」先選擇對自己較有利的管轄法院,還有進入訴訟時避免陷入惡意侵權之嫌疑。 (518 字;表 2)


US 8,184,863 請求項 1 US 8,213,685 請求項 1

1. A multiple object speed tracking apparatus comprising:

1. A system for monitoring compliance of moving vehicles on a roadway subject to a speed limit, the system comprising:
a camera (Fig.1 - 100) positioned to capture images of a monitored area; 一個攝影機,架設來捕捉一受監控區域之影像 a tracking camera constructed and arranged to provide a plurality of images of a measurement area on the roadway (Fig.3 - 202), wherein each of the images is associated with timing information indicating when the image was captured; 一個追蹤攝影機被建製而配置來提供道路測量區域之複數影像,其中每個影像具備指出該影像被捕捉時間的計時資訊
a set of images of the monitored area (Fig.1 - 102) that are generated by the camera;
and a processing unit, coupled to the tracking camera, configured to:
a computer system (Fig.1 - 106) that can analyze the set of images to detect at least two moving objects (Fig.1 - 110) that are moving simultaneously within the monitored area; wherein the computer system provides an on-site speed calibration process that includes a single process for transforming a single frame from the set of images into real world coordinates by considering, in a single step, the perspective of the image in a single frame from the set of images and the scaling of the image in the same single frame from the set of images;
receive the images from the tracking camera;
and an apparatus mount upon which at least one of either the camera or the computer system is positioned, wherein the apparatus mount is one of either a fixed mount or a mobile mount, and wherein a longitudinal axis of the camera may be positioned at any viewing angle in relation to a longitudinal axis of a roadway as long the viewing angle allows images of the at least two moving objects to be included in one of either a set of low resolution images or a set of high resolution images,
detect in the images a vehicle moving through the measurement area (Fig.3 - 210);
wherein the computer system can substantially simultaneously determine a calculated rate of speed of at least two of the moving objects, wherein the computer system can compare the calculated rate of speed of the at least two moving objects to a predetermined speed value, wherein the computer system includes a homographic calibration process of determining the calculated rate of speed of the at least two moving objects that includes a linear fit comparison of a set of elements related to a distance traveled by the at least two moving object to a time taken for the at least two moving objects to travel that distance, and 前述電腦系統可以具體且同時測定至少兩個移動物體之經計算的速率,前述電腦系統可以將至少兩個移動物體之經計算的速率與一預先設定速率值進行比較,前述電腦系統包括一個測定測定至少兩個移動物體之經計算速率的單應性校準程序,其包括線性比對前述至少兩個移動物體之移動距離與移動時間 determine a real-world position of the vehicle relative to the roadway for each of at least two of the images;
wherein the computer system includes a process to ensure better accuracy of the calculated speed of the moving object by not indicating an object has exceeded the predetermined speed value until determining that a value of a residue of the liner fit does not exceed a preset maximum value of the residue of the linear fit, and wherein a set of incident data is generated when the rate of speed of the at least two moving objects exceeds the predetermined speed value.
access the timing information associated with said at least two of the images;
calculate a speed of the vehicle based on the real-world positions and accessed timing information (Fig.3 - 212), wherein the real-world positions and accessed timing information are sufficiently accurate for the calculated speed to be used to determine whether the vehicle should be issued a citation for exceeding the speed limit;
provide a GUI to a user of the system, wherein the GUI is configured to present to the user live video of the measurement area from the tracking camera; and to continuously update the speed of the vehicle and to display the speed of the vehicle at the position of the vehicle in the video.
提供圖形使用者介面 (GUI) 給前述系統之使用者,圖形使用者介面被配置來提供使用者、由追蹤攝影機所捕捉之測量區域即時視訊,並且持續更新車輛速率與在視訊中車輛位置上顯示車輛速率

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理, 2012/11

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料: B & W Sensors 對 ATS 提起確認之訴

訴訟名稱 B & W Sensors LLCv. American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
提告日期 2012 年 11 月 13 日
原告 B & W Sensors LLC 
被告 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
案號 4:12-cv-02122-JCH
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri
系爭專利 US 8,184,863 US 8,213,685
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理, 2012/11
