2012年7月24日,設立於美國新墨西哥州、設計並提供太陽能面板模組架設設備與系統的Unirac, Inc.公司(下稱Unirac),向密西根州東區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告以LevelOneTM Solar之商標、同樣提供太陽能面板模組裝設設備與系統產品之競爭公司Solar Solutions International, Inc. (下稱SSI),其所製造販售、用來架設太陽能面板模組之軌桿或吊鉤等產品,侵犯Unirac所擁有之太陽能面板模組架設系統專利。
本案系爭專利為美國專利編號US 8,128,044,名稱為「架設太陽能面板模組於一表面上的系統(System for mounting a photovoltaic module to a surface)」,於2012年3月6日核發,發明人是John E. Liebendorfer。
Unirac在其訴狀中指出,SSI現任總裁兼執行長Donald Munoz曾於JAC-Rack, Inc.公司擔任執行副總裁之職務,在當時Unirac曾控告JAC-Rack, Inc.侵犯其另外兩個專利(US 7,260,918與US 7,434,362,訴訟名稱為Unirac, Inc. v. Ironridge, Inc. et al,案號為1:11-cv-00010-DJS –LFG,提告日期為2011年1月5日,該案以和解判決(consent judgment)收場),而Donald Munoz在參與該案協商和解之過程應知悉當時仍為申請案之本案系爭專利的存在,因此基於上述事實,SSI的專利侵權行為應構成惡意侵權(willful infringement)。
US 8,128,044 請求項1 |
1. A system for removably and adjustably mounting a photovoltaic module or other flat panel on a surface (Fig.1 - 10), comprising:
一項在一表面上以可拆卸與可調整之方式、架設太陽能面板模組或其他平面面板的系統,包括 |
a rail (Fig.1 & Fig.3 - 12) with at least two tracks (Fig.3 – 14a & 14b);
wherein the rail has a body (Fig.3 - 20) having a proximal end (Fig.3 - 22), a distal end (Fig.3 - 24), and a hollow chamber (Fig.3 - 26) therebetween;
前述軌桿具備一本體,其包括一近端、一遠端與一存在於兩端之間的空心室 |
wherein the rail is removably mountable on a footing grid (Fig.1 - 38);
前述軌桿可以以可拆卸方式裝設在一立基支架上 |
wherein each of the at least two tracks has a channel (Fig.3 – 16a & 16b) extending a length of the rail;
前述至少兩軌道各自具備一通道,其延展至與前述軌桿同樣長度 |
and further wherein the channel in each of the at least two tracks has a slot (Fig.3 – 18a & 18b) extending the length of the rail, wherein the slot in one of the at least two tracks is disposed substantially at a right angle (Fig.3 – A) to the slot in any other of the at least two tracks;
前述在個別軌道中之通道具備一溝槽,其延展至與前述軌桿同樣長度,而其中一個溝槽被確實放置成與另一個溝槽形成一個準確角度 |
a plurality of keepers (Fig.1 - 76) on which to mount the rail;
複數支撐點,用來架設前述軌桿於其上 |
and one or more clamps (Fig.1 – 34a & 34b) for connecting a photovoltaic module (Fig.1 – 68’) or other flat panel to the rail, wherein the one or more clamps (Fig.11 – 34b) includes a base (Fig.11 - 60), a descending member (Fig.11 - 62) monolithically extending from the base, and an ascending member (Fig.11 - 64) monolithically extending from the base in a direction substantially opposite a direction of the descending member.
一個或多個吊鉤,用來將太陽能面板模組或其他平板面板連接於前述軌桿,前述一個或多個吊鉤包括一基座,一從基座單面延伸出去的向下構件,以及一個從基座單面延伸出去的向上構件,其延伸方向與向下構件相反 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/08
訴訟名稱 |
Unirac, Inc. v. Solar Solutions International, Inc. |
提告日期 |
2012年7月24日 |
原告 |
Unirac, Inc. |
被告 |
Solar Solutions International, Inc. |
案號 |
2:12-cv-13269-AC-DRG |
訴訟法院 |
the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan |
系爭專利 |
US 8,128,044 |
訴狀下載 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/08