
F & G Research以滑鼠專利兩度控告Google侵權

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2012年7月13日
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一家設立於美國佛羅里達州、名為F & G Research, Inc.之公司(下稱F & G),曾兩度以其所擁有之可控制電腦螢幕顯示內容滾動之滑鼠裝置專利,控告Google侵犯其權利:第一次是在2006年6月22日,F & G向佛羅里達州南區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告Google在美國境內販售滾輪電腦滑鼠之行為侵犯其權利;第二次則是在2007年11月29日,F & G向北卡羅萊納州西區聯邦地院提告,控告Google推廣行銷其Google Earth軟體之行為構成專利間接侵權,因為透過電腦滑鼠與顯示器使用該軟體之使用者會直接侵犯前述專利權利,所以Google之前述行為構成專利誘使侵權(induced infringement)與輔助侵權(contributory infringement),而應負侵權責任。

F & G第一次提告之訴訟案件在2007年9月20日被法院認定,由於Google並沒有銷售滾輪滑鼠產品之行為,所以判定F & G敗訴並應支付Google其所花費將近125,000美金之訴訟成本費用,而之後F & G之上訴亦被駁回。F & G第二次提告之訴訟案件則是在2008年3月經兩造合意撤銷訴訟,並不得再基於同樣事實提起告訴。

本案系爭專利為美國專利編號US 5,313,229,名稱為「同時進行游標定位與滾動控制之滑鼠裝置與方法(Mouse and method for concurrent cursor position and scrolling control )」,於1994年5月17日核發,發明人為阿根廷人 Federico G. Gilligan與Fernando D. Falcon。

本案系爭專利被美國知名專利法部落格Pantently-O列為2005至2007年10大涉訟最多專利第三名,當時計有24件專利訴訟案件與之有關,被告包括Microsoft(案號為2:07-cv-00542)、三星電子(案號為0:06-cv-60626)、台灣的世洋科技(Acrox Technology Company Ltd.、案號為2:07-cv-03264)等。(758字;表2)


US 5,313,229 請求項1
1. Mouse (Fig.1a - 10) for interactive operation of a computer, said computer having display means for displaying information to an operator of said computer, said mouse comprising
a first transducer (Fig.1a – 20x & 20y) means for generating x-y position signals for controlling movement of a cursor on said display means in response to movement of said first transducer means by a hand of an operator, and
supplementary control means (Fig.1a - 40) including a second transducer means for generating supplementary control signals for controlling scrolling operations for moving information entitles displayed on said display means,
said second transducer means including a displaceable body (Fig.1a - 42) and spring means (Fig.1a - 47) connected to said displaceable body to spring-load said displaceable body so that said body is urged into an initial equilibrium position by said spring means but is displaceable from said equilibrium position in either of two directions by a digit of said hand of said user,
said second transducer means being structured so that said supplementary control signals vary with a displacement amount and displacement direction of said body from said equilibrium position so that a rate of moving said information entities on said display means can be varied with said displacement amount and a direction of moving said information entities can be selected according to said displacement direction.


Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/07

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:F & G Research, Inc. 控告Google, Inc.

訴訟名稱 F & G Research, Inc. v. Google, Inc. F & G Research, Inc v. Google, Inc
提告日期 2006年6月22日 2007年11月29日
原告 F & G Research, Inc. F & G Research, Inc.
被告 Google, Inc. Google, Inc.
案號 0:06-cv-60905-CMA 5:07-cv-00130-RLV-DLH
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina
系爭專利 US 5,313,229 US 5,313,229
訴狀下載   download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/07
