
專利授權公司AIM IP控告多家公司侵犯ITU-T G.729B語音編碼標準關鍵專利

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2012年6月14日
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2012年6月7日,一家設立於美國加州專利授權公司AIM IP, LLC(下稱AIM IP)之,向中加州聯邦地院提告,控告八家製造生產網路電話設備或網路影音通訊設備之廠商,包括我國之合勤科技(Zyxel Communications Inc.)、中國之億聯(Yealink Network Technology Co., Ltd)、2010年將營運總部移至北京之UT斯達康(Utstarcom Inc.)、德商西門子Gigaset (Gigaset Communications Inc.)、以及Network Equipment Technologies Inc.、Dialogic Inc.、Polycom Inc.、Altigen Communications Inc.等,侵犯AIM IP所擁有之ITU標準專利ITU-T G.729B。ITU-T G.729B是國際電信聯盟(International Telecommunications Union,下稱ITU)語音編碼標準建議書之核准專利。

本案系爭專利為美國專利編號US 5,920,853,名稱為「使用共享量化編碼表之索引比對技術來進行之訊號壓縮(Signal compression using index mapping technique for the sharing of quantization tables)」,1999年7月6日核發,原始權利人為Rockwell International Corporation (下稱Rockwell)。

AIM IP在訴狀中指出,當時任職於Rockwell的三名員工發明了前述專利技術,Rockwell亦致力於推廣ITU所協議出的標準建議,而本案系爭專利之技術對於ITU-T G.729B的標準來說是關鍵性專利。

ITU對於其標準所涉及的智慧財產權是採行以下政策(Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC):若專利權人有意願進行不歧視而合理之授權協商,則該授權協商應由當事人自主進行且與ITU標準協議活動無關,若專利權人無意願進行不歧視而合理之授權協商,則相關標準建議不應包括依賴該專利技術之條款。由此觀之,ITU之專利政策可能無助於解決本案之爭訟。

此外,在2011年4月6日,AIM IP也曾以853專利向中加州聯邦地院提告,控告Cisco Systems Inc.、Hewlett-Packard Company、友訊(D-Link Systems, Inc.)、Skype Inc.等九家公司。(845字;表2)


US 5,920,853 請求項1
1. A system for coding and decoding feature vectors of a signal transmitted through a communications channel, comprising a coder and a decoder, wherein:
a) the coder comprises:
extraction means for extracting an input feature vector from the signal;
coder memory means for storing one pre-designed VQ table (Fig.5 - 530) for the coder, the coder memory means using a set of primary indices (Fig.5 - 510) to address entries within the pre-designed VQ table;
coder mapping unit (Fig.5 - 520) for mapping indices from a set of fixed length secondary indices to the set of primary indices, the set of secondary indices corresponding to one pre-selected subset of the pre-designed VQ table;
search means coupled to the coder mapping unit for searching for one index (Fig.5 - 550) out of the set of secondary indices, wherein the one index from the set of secondary indices corresponds to one index from the set of primary indices which corresponds to an entry in the coder memory means, wherein the entry in the coder memory means which best represents the input feature vector according to predetermined criteria;
b) the decoder comprises:
decoder memory means for storing the same at least one pre-designed VQ table as stored by the coder memory means, the decoder memory means also using the set of primary indices to address entries within the pre-designed VQ table;
decoder mapping unit for mapping the one index from the set of secondary indices to one index from the set of primary indices;
retrieval means for retrieving an entry from the decoder memory means by mapping the one index from the set of primary indices as mapped by the decoder mapping unit to one entry from the decoder memory means, wherein the entry best represents the input feature vector.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/06

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:AIM IP LLC控告合勤、億聯、Gigaset等

Title case no. venue date Terminated
AIM IP LLC v. Yealink Network Technology Co., Ltd 8:12-cv-00913 cacd 2012/6/8
AIM IP LLC v. Utstarcom Inc 8:12-cv-00910 cacd 2012/6/7
AIM IP LLC v. Gigaset Communications Inc 8:12-cv-00905 cacd 2012/6/7
AIM IP LLC v. Dialogic Inc 8:12-cv-00904 cacd 2012/6/7
AIM IP LLC v. Polycom Inc 8:12-cv-00912 cacd 2012/6/7
AIM IP LLC v. Altigen Communications Inc 8:12-cv-00908 cacd 2012/6/7
AIM IP LLC v. Zyxel Communications Inc 8:12-cv-00911 cacd 2012/6/7
AIM IP LLC v. Network Equipment Technologies Inc 8:12-cv-00906 cacd 2012/6/7
AIM IP LLC v. Cisco Systems Inc et al 8:11-cv-00533 cacd 2011/4/6 2012/2/3

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/06
