
VoIP 傳輸警報系統產品製造商 NextAlarm 控告競爭產品專利侵權

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2012年6月7日
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2012年5月30日,在美國販售可透過網路傳輸警報訊號之警報系統產品的NextAlarm Monitoring Services, Inc.公司(下稱NextAlarm),向美國中加州聯邦地院提告,控告Uplink Security LLC公司(下稱Uplink)所推出的寬頻網路傳輸警報系統產品生產販售之無線網路攝影機產品,侵犯其所擁有透過網路電話(VoIP)來傳輸警報訊號之方法專利。

本案被告Uplink所推出之警報系統傳輸產品,主要是提供可轉換透過無線通訊(GSM、4G等)來傳輸警報訊號之功能,取代或併行於透過傳統電話線傳輸警報訊號之警報系統。不過,所推出名為5100 Universal Broadband Alarm Communicator的產品則是具備將透過類比電話線路傳輸警報訊號之警報系統、轉換成透過寬頻網路來傳輸訊號之功能,而這類產品正是原告NextAlarm主張其專利受到侵犯之標的。

本案系爭專利共有兩項:一為美國專利編號US 7,593,512,名稱為「用來監控保全系統之私人網路電話網路(Private VoIP network for security system monitoring)」,2009年9月核發;一為美國專利編號US 7,734,020,名稱為「警報系統透過網際網路接受器進行雙向語音傳送(Two-way voice and voice over IP receivers for alarm systems)」,2010年6月核發。(593字;表2)


US 7,593,512 請求項 1 US 7,734,020 請求項 1
1. A method for monitoring over the Internet an existing alarm system having an analog telephone interface for outputting alarm signals, said method comprising the steps of: 一項透過網路監控、具備類比電話介面傳輸警報訊號之既有警報系統的方法,該方法由以下步驟組成 1. A method for monitoring an alarm system, comprising the steps of: 一項監控警報系統之方法,其步驟為
connecting the analog telephone interface from the existing alarm system (Fig.3 - 110) to a dedicated Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) module (Fig.3 – 120) connected to the Internet (Fig.3 - 130), 將既有警報系統之類比電話介面連結上與網際網路接續之專用網路電話模組 connecting an analog telephone output from an alarm system (Fig.6 - 61) at a monitored premises to an analog telephone input of an Internet Voice over IP (VoIP) module (Fig.6 - 62) coupled to the Internet(Fig.6 - 63), 連接警報系統的類比電話訊號輸出端到接續網際網路之網路電話模組的類比電話訊號輸入端
establishing a continuous VoIP connection from the dedicated VoIP module to an alarm monitoring server (Fig.3 – 140) connected to the Internet through a digital Internet interface, 透過數位網路介面建立從專用網路電話模組到有接續網路之警報監控伺服器間的持續性網路電話連結 monitoring the alarm system at an alarm-monitoring server coupled to the Internet, 在接續網際網路之警報監控伺服器 (Fig.6 - 64) 上監控警報系統
monitoring the existing alarm system at the alarm-monitoring server connected to the Internet through a digital internet interface, and 透過數位網路介面在接續網路之警報監控伺服器上監控既有警報系統 transmitting from the alarm system to the alarm-monitoring server, through the Internet VoIP module, an alarm signal over the Internet, when an alarm condition is indicated by the alarm system, indicating, from the alarm-monitoring server, that an alarm condition has been reported by the alarm system, 透過網路電話模組經由網際網路,從警報系統傳送警報訊號到警報監控伺服器,當警報系統指出一個需警示的狀況,並在警報監控伺服器上指示出一項需警示的狀況被既有警報系統所通報
indicating at the alarm monitoring server, when the continuous VoIP connection between the alarm-monitoring server and the existing alarm system is broken. 當警報監控伺服器與既有警報系統間之持續性網路電話連結中斷時,顯示於警報監控伺服器 and transmitting one or more of live audio signals from monitored premises through the alarm system to the alarm monitoring server and voice signals from the alarm monitoring server to the alarm system through the Internet Voice over IP (VoIP) module and over the Internet. 透過網路電話模組並經由網際網路,從警報系統傳送一或多個即時語音訊號至警報監控伺服器,並從警報監控伺服器傳送語音訊號至警報系統
請求項 2 請求項 2
2. The method of claim 1, further comprising the steps of: transmitting from the existing alarm system to the alarm-monitoring server, an alarm signal over the Internet, when an alarm condition is indicated by the existing alarm system, and indicating, from the alarm-monitoring server, that an alarm condition has been reported by the existing alarm system. 請求項 1 所描述的方法,進一步包括以下步驟:從既有警報系統透過網際網路傳輸警報訊號到警報監控伺服器,當既有警報系統指出一項需警示的狀況,並在警報監控伺服器上指示出一項需警示的狀況被既有警報系統所通報 2. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of: sending to a third party (Fig.6 - 66 ) from the alarm-monitoring server, a signal indicative that an alarm condition has been reported by the alarm system. 請求項 1 所描述的方法,進一步包括以下步驟:從警報監控伺服器傳送訊號至第三方,指示一項需警示的狀況被警報系統所通報
 pclass_12_A147_a.gif pclass_12_A147_b.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/06


訴訟名稱 Nextalarm Monitoring Services Incv. Uplink Security LLC
提告日期 2012 年 5 月 30 日
原告 Nextalarm Monitoring Services,Inc
被告 Uplink Security LLC
案號 2:12-cv-04708-RGK-JC
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
系爭專利 US 7,593,512
US 7,734,020
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/06

