
Universal Electronics控告Logitech之遙控系統專利涉及不正當行為

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2012年5月18日
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2011年7月15日研發無線控制技術並提供相關解決方案之Universal Electronics Inc.(下稱UEI)公司,向美國中加州聯邦地院、對原為其專利技術被授權人之Logitech Europe S.A.(下稱Logitech)提起專利侵權告訴,控告Logitech所生產販售之Harmony系列遙控設備,侵犯其所擁有之17項專利權利;而在2011年11月3日,Logitech提出反訴,控告UEI侵犯其5項專利,其中包括本案系爭之美國專利編號US 6,784,805的專利。而在2012年4月17日,UEI向同法院另案提起告訴,主張Logitech在取得本案系爭專利時涉及不正當行為(inequitable conduct),要求法院判決其專利權利無法行使(unenforceability)

2004年系爭專利核發後,Logitech及其律師與專利代理人團隊在2005年7月提出申請更正,指出美國專利商標局(USPTO)在公告系爭專利時、未正確納入其在2004年2月與4月就該專利請求項所做之修訂,而要求USPTO更正此一「非故意與文書上的錯誤」(inadvertent and clerical error),而USPTO在2006年9月核發更正證書(certificate of correction)。

UEI在其訴狀中指出,在系爭專利之審查紀錄中,未看到有任何之請求項修訂在Logitech所指陳的2004年時點被提出,同時Logitech所指陳的請求項修訂將會影響專利審查官的查結果;UEI亦指控,Logitech所申請的更正,是對系爭專利請求項做出重大而具體之修正(material and substantial modification),且這些修正並未出現於系爭專利審查過程中曾被提出之任何請求項版本中。根據上述事實,UEI認為Logitech是在具有欺瞞的意圖下,對USPTO做出錯誤陳述,因而應構成不正當行為,並讓系爭專利權利無法行使。

本案系爭專利US 6,784,805名稱為「依據狀態之遙控系統(State-based remote control system)」。2011年5月,美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院(the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit)之全院法官聯席審查(en banc)做出Therasense, Inc. v. Becton, Dickinson & Co.案判決(649 F.3d 1276 (Fed. Cir. 2011)),其就專利取得不正當行為認定之資訊重要性(materiality)與意圖(intent)兩項構成要件,提出嚴格的認定標準,而這樣的認定標準會被如何解釋適用於本案的個案事實上,尚待後續觀察。(785字;表2)


US 6,784,805 請求項1
1. A state-based remote control system (Fig.6 - 100), comprising:
an electronic system capable of storing (Fig.6 - 120), calculating and updating (Fig.6 - 116) a simulated current state data relating to at least one external electronic device;
a communication device (Fig.6 – 108 & 112) connected to said electronic system for emitting a control signal to said at least one external electronic device; and an input unit connected to said electronic system for communicating with said electronic system;
wherein said simulated current state data is calculated based upon at least one action performed by said electronic system in controlling said at least one electronic device.
US 6,784,805之certificate of correction所揭載之更正請求項1
1.A state-based remote control, comprising:
a remote control capable of storing, calculating and updating a simulated current state data relating to at least one external electronic device;
a communication device connected to said remote control for emitting a control signal to said at least one external electronic device; and an input unit connected to said remote control for communicating with said remote control;
wherein said simulated current state data is calculated based upon at least one action performed by said remote control in controlling said at least one electronic device prior to a next action or a next task.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/05

Universal Electronics Inc.主張US 6,784,805專利取得涉及不正當行為

訴訟名稱 Universal Electronics Inc. v. Logitech Europe S.A. Universal Electronics Inc. v. Logitech Europe S.A.
提告日期 2011年7月15日 2012年4月17日
原告 Universal Electronics Inc. Universal Electronics Inc.
被告 Logitech Europe S.A. Logitech Europe S.A.
案號 8:11-cv-01056 8:12-cv-00583-AG-MLG
訴訟法院 U.S. District Court for the Central District of California U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
系爭專利 US5228077;US5255313;US5410326;US5414761;US5552917;US6097309;US6130726;US6504580;US6522262;US7046161;US7093003;US7106209;US7126468;US7218243;US7259696;US7589642;US7782309;US7821504;US7821505;US7831930;US7889095;US6784805 US 6,784,805
訴狀下載   download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/05


2012年5月9日針對[8:11-cv-01056]案,法官發出即時判決(Summary Judgment)判定原告專利US7,106,209及反訴專利US6,504,580都不侵權。

download.gif(Order re: Summary Judgment #144) 
download.gif (Order re: Summary Judgment #145)
