原告: Intellectual Ventures
2012年12月12日Intellectual Ventures告Check Point Software等公司案,法官作出4件系爭專利權利項語句解釋(Claim Construction)命令,有US6,460,050、US6,073,142、US5,987,610、及US7,506,155。
Claim語句: an indication of the characteristic
解釋:a descriptor of the content (e.g., spam, virus, junk email, copyrighted)
Claim語句: an organizational hierarchy of a business, the hierarchy including a plurality of roles, each role associated with a user
解釋:a business`s rankings of its roles, containing multiple levels and each level comprising at least one organization role to which at least one individual is assigned
Claim語句: automatically reviewing the [email message/data object] after a specified time interval to determine an action to be applied
解釋:computer determination of an action to be applied to [the email message/data object] after a specified period of time
Claim語句: characterizing the files on the server system based on said digital content identifiers received relative to other digital identifiers collected in the database
解釋:classifying the files on the server system by comparing their digital content identifiers to other digital identifiers collected in the database
Claim語句: [combines/combining] the [email message/data object] with a new distribution list ... and a rule history ...
解釋:combining the e-mail message [or data object], a new distribution list, and a rule history, for delivery together, where a rule history identifies each of the [at least one] business rule( s) whose antecedent condition was satisfied by the e-mail message [or data object]
Claim語句: converting ... from an executable format to a non-executable format
解釋:transforming the executable code into a version that cannot open any processes or applications
Claim語句: database of business rules/business rules
解釋:storage of statements that each specify one or more antecedent condition(s) and the consequent action(s) to be applied when the specified antecedent condition(s) are satisfied; ultimately only a single consequence results for each business rule
Claim語句: data file(s)
解釋:a collection of any type of text or binary data that retains cohesion when presented to a user
Claim語句: deactivating the hypertext link
解釋:rendering the hypertext link inoperable as an executable link to the specified URL, while leaving alphanumeric text that is identifiable as a hypertext link
Claim語句: determining ... whether each received content identifier matches a characteristic of other identifiers
解釋:determining ... whether each received content identifier has the same characteristic as other content identifiers
Claim語句: digital content identifier created using a mathematical algorithm unique to the message content
解釋:a digital content identifier (defined above) created using a mathematical algorithm; the identifier being particular to the message content (e.g., every time the same algorithm is run on the same content the same value results)
Claim語句: file content identifier/file .content ID/digital content identifier/digital content ID
解釋:A digital content identifier reflecting at least a portion of the content of a data file, but not constituting merely an excised portion of that data file. For clarity, an excised portion of the content of a data file that has been encoded and/or compressed for transmission is not a [file content identifier/file content ID/digital content identifier/digital content ID]. However, the presence of an excised portion of a data file (whether encoded, compressed or otherwise) does not prevent something other than that excised portion from being classified as a [file content identifier/file content ID/digital content identifier/digital content ID].
Claim語句: file content identifier generator agent(s)
解釋:software running on a computer that creates and transmits file content identifiers to a second tier system
Claim語句: forwarding the non-executable format
解釋:forwarding the version that cannot open any processes or applications
Claim語句: identification code
解釋:a set of symbols that identify
Claim語句: identify the existence or absence of said characteristic
解釋:identify whether or not the message is of a certain type or classification
Claim語句: indicating the presence or absence of a characteristic
解釋:indicating the presence or absence of a characteristic (e.g., spam, virus, copyright, bulk email)
Claim語句: persistently storing
解釋:storing for extended periods of time (for example, hours or days as opposed to seconds)
Claim語句: primary message store ... for receiving and non-persistently storing e-mail messages
Claim語句: retains an appearance, human readability, and semantic content of the e-mail message
解釋:retains substantially the same appearance, human readability, and semantic content of the emailmessage, such that all or substantially allalphanumeric text in the email message remainshuman readable
Claim語句: routing a call between a calling party and a called party of a telephone network
解釋:transmitting a voice or data transmission between a party initiating a voice or data transmission and a party receiving a voice or data transmission
Claim語句: rule engine
解釋:a mechanism that applies the business rules, in order to determine a set of actions (one or more) to be applied
Claim語句: secondary message store ... for receiving there from, and persistently storing an e-mail message
Claim語句: within the telephone network
解釋:in the voice or data network connecting the calling party and called party, exclusive of the networks and gateway nodes of the called party and calling party