IA Labs CA, LLC (“IA Labs”) 於2010年4月2日對日本遊戲機大廠Nintendo Co., Ltd. (“Nintendo”)及其美國子公司提起專利侵權訴訟,指稱包含Nintendo風靡全球的 Wii 系列產品,包含Wii 主機及相關的Wii Fit、 Wii Fit Plus、Wii Balance Board、Wii Remote、Wii Nunchuck、Wii MotionPlus、Wii Wheel 及Wii Zaper 等等周邊軟、硬體等,均侵害其於2009 年向Interaction Laboratories, Inc. (“Interaction Labs”)取得之美國專利編號7,121,982及 7,331,226二件專利 (以下統稱「系爭專利」)。
Interaction Labs又稱IA Labs CA, LLC於2002年成立,創辦人Greg Merril 和 Phil Feldman同時也是公司核心技術的發明人。它也是一家專利授權公司,將技術有償授權給外部公司整合入目標產品。致力於電腦虛擬運動的互動介面技術開發,系爭專利為Interaction Labs分別於2002及2005年向美國專利局提出申請的發明,隨著技術能力的提升,其產品如PowerSquad Leg Joystick 甚至為美國陸軍採用,利用其遊戲的虛擬場景加強士兵城市作戰的技巧。
2007年底, Interaction Labs 前總經理Greg Merril (即IA Labs的現任技術長)與Nintendo整合研發部門總經理Genyo Takeda,在日本京都就為Wii 系統開發周邊及遊戲軟體進行技術糾紛問題討論,Genyo Takeda也在會中要求審查Interaction Labs的智慧資產及專利內容。2008年5月Wii Fit在美國問世造成轟動,但雙方的合作卻無進展,其後Greg Merril透過電子郵件寄出與Wii Fit相關的Interaction Labs技術說明,及Wii Fit與系爭專利請求項的侵權分析備忘,Nintendo也回覆並指定專人與Interaction Labs洽談授權事宜,但直到IA Labs 於2009年取得系爭專利之前,雙方均未能就系爭專利的授權達成共識。
IA Labs以系爭專利所有權人身分,於美國馬里蘭州北區聯邦地院對Nintendo提訴,IA Labs主張Nintendo及其子公司,明知製造、使用、行銷、進口、銷售其Wii系列產品的行為,直接侵害系爭專利權,且因被告等透過散布使用說明、現場展示及提供服務等管道,教導消費者以侵權方式使用Wii系列產品,同時構成教唆侵害(induce infringe);又因其Wii?系列產品、資訊及服務皆屬消費者侵權行為的不可或缺元件,而這些產品及服務又不具有其他非侵權之用途,故亦構成輔助侵害(contributory infringe)之侵權行為。IA Labs據此請求法院確認被告侵害系爭專利、要求對被告發出侵權禁制令,並判決被告等支付三倍的損害賠償及合理的律師費用予IA Labs。(837字;表1)
表一、專利訴訟案件基本資料: IA Labs 控告 Nintendo
訴訟名稱 |
IA Labs ca, LLc v . nintendo co., ltd. |
提告日期 |
2010 年 4 月 2 日 |
原告 |
IA Labs ca, LLc |
被告 |
nintendo co., ltd. and Nintendo of America, Inc. |
案號 |
10-cv-00833-PJM |
訴訟法院 |
系爭專利 |
US7,121,982 US7,331,226 |
專利 標題 |
982- Computer Interactive Isometric Exercise System and Method for Operatively interconnecting the Exercise System to a Computer System for Use as a Peripheral
226- Force Measurement System for an Isometric Exercise Device |
訴狀下載 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理, 2010/07
權利項語句: additional information
解釋: data related to the functioning of input devices (e.g. buttons, etc.)
權利項語句: a frame to support a user
解釋: plain and ordinary meaning
權利項語句: an effector to provide an isometric exercise
解釋: the user's isometrically exercised muscles exert force against the effector either through direct contact or indirect contact
權利項語句: display controlled by said processor
解釋: the image generated on the display is controlled by the processor using the applied force information to generate the image
權利項語句: effector
解釋: a rigid object that slightly and measurably deforms within its elastic limit when muscle force is applied
權利項語句: force applied by a user to said effector
解釋: the user's isometrically exercised muscles exert force against the effector either through direct contact or indirect contact
權利項語句: force applied by said user to said effector to perform said isometric exercise
解釋: the user's isometrically exercised muscles exert force against the effector either through direct contact or indirect contact
權利項語句: information in a format resembling data output from a host processing system peripheral
解釋: data arranged to resemble, to the point of compatibility, an input device usable with the host processing system
權利項語句: information relating to effector manipulation
解釋: the image generated on the display is controlled by the processor using the applied force information to generate the image
權利項語句: input device
解釋: a device that provides information to the system
權利項語句: peripheral
解釋: an accessory device that is external to the host processing system and either provides input to or receives output from the host processing system
權利項語句: process data
解釋: transforming the applied force information into some desired result using the processor
權利項語句: processing data
解釋: transforming the applied force information into some desired result using the processor
權利項語句: said effector provides an isometric exercise
解釋: the user's isometrically exercised muscles exert force against the effector either through direct contact or indirect contact