
專利授權公司Helferich又告了, NEC與Panasonic同遭殃

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - May 發表於 2009年6月16日
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2009年6月11日專利授權公司Helferich Patent Licensing, L.L.C.(以下簡稱HPL)向美國伊利諾斯州北區聯邦地區法院提告NEC與Panasonic這2家日本公司。HPL聲稱,被告所製造、出售的手機侵犯了其在美國的9項專利(U.S. Patent Nos. 7,499,716、7,376,432、7,280,838、7,146,157、7,003,304、6,983,138、6,233,430、 6,097,941及6,087,956)。






Helferich Patent Licensing, LLC


  • Panasonic Corp.
  • Panasonic Corp. North America
  • NEC Corp.
  • NEC Corp. of America


U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois


1:09-cv-03557 (v. Panasonic)

1:09-cv-03558 (v. NEC)


US 7,499,716 (System and method for delivering information to a transmitting and receiving device )
US 7,376,432 (Paging transceivers and methods for selectively retrieving messages )
US 7,280,838 (Paging transceivers and methods for selectively retrieving messages )
US 7,146,157 (Systems and methods for downloading audio information to a mobile device )
US 7,003,304 (Paging transceivers and methods for selectively retrieving messages )
US 6,983,138 (User interface for message access )
US 6,233,430 (Paging transceivers and methods for selectively retrieving messages )
US 6,097,941 (User interface for voice message access )
US 6,087,956 (Paging transceivers and methods for selectively erasing information )


1. 有關無線通信與訊息(wireless communication and messaging)技術。

2. 要求追溯期為6年,要求這2家公司給予3倍懲罰性賠償、利息費用和訴訟成本,同時向法院提請永久禁制令(Permanent Injunction),要求禁止被告所涉案產品進入美國市場。

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2009/06。



Publication Title Assignee Pub. Date Filed Priority IPC Code
US6087956  Paging transceivers and methods for selectively erasing information HELFERICH; RICHARD J  2000-07-11   1997-09-19   1997-09-19  H04W 84/02
US6097941  User interface for voice message access HELFERICH; RICHARD J  2000-08-01   1997-12-12   1997-12-12  H04M 3/533
US6233430  Paging transceivers and methods for selectively retrieving messages HELFERICH RICHARD J  2001-05-15   1997-09-19   1997-09-19  H04W 84/02
US6983138  User interface for message access Helferich; Richard J.  2006-01-03   2000-02-23   1997-12-12  H04B 1/38
US7003304  Paging transceivers and methods for selectively retrieving messages Thompson Investment Group, LLC  2006-02-21   2000-10-13   1997-09-19  H04Q 7/20
US7146157  Systems and methods for downloading audio information to a mobile device Helferich; Richard J.  2006-12-05   2005-04-19   1997-12-12  H04L 12/58
US7280838  Paging transceivers and methods for selectively retrieving messages Helferich; Richard J.  2007-10-09   2005-03-18   1997-09-19  H04Q 7/20
US7376432  Paging transceivers and methods for selectively retrieving messages Wireless Science, LLC  2008-05-20   2005-03-17   1997-09-19  H04Q 7/20

HPL聲稱,至目前為止已與多家手機大廠達成持續授權協議(substantial licensing agreements),有:Microsoft、HTC、 Research in Motion、Samsung、LG Electronics、Casio-Hitachi、Sony-Ericsson、Pantech 、ZTE、Asustek, and IMate。

HPL宣稱被告對其主張的專利,繼續故意和蓄意侵犯,向法院提出權利要求追溯期為6年,要求這2家公司給予3倍懲罰性賠償、利息費用和訴訟成本,同時向法院提請永久禁制令(Permanent Injunction),要求禁止被告所涉案產品進入美國市場。


一、原告Helferich Patent Licensing公司,也就是所謂的專利授權公司(Non-Practicing Entities,NPE)。HPL是由獨立發明人Helferich, Richard J.所設立,擁有多件專利有關無線通信與訊息(wireless communication and messaging)的技術,並經多次轉移將其專利權獨家讓與HPL。

二、所謂的專利授權公司並不進行生產製造或產品銷售,但經由獨立研發或專利轉讓取得專利權,以專利訴訟為主要手段,向從事生產或製造公司收取授權金或賠償金為營利目標。這又是一樁以戰逼合, 雙方授權金價碼談判的訴訟策略。

