
音波洗臉機專利訴訟 Pacific Bioscience Lab控告美容儀器商

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2015年5月27日
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2015年5月1日,以品牌名稱Clarisonic(科萊麗)在美國境內與全球,製造販賣其音波洗臉機、音波淨膚儀等系列產品的Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc.公司,向美國華盛頓州西區聯邦地院提起15起專利侵權告訴,控告在美國境內透過網路等通路販賣之多款類似的洗臉機產品,侵害其所擁有之發明專利、設計專利或商品外觀(trade dress)等權利。
依據各款被控侵權產品之差異,原告Pacific Bioscience所主張被侵害的權利也有所調整,例如:Pacific Bioscience控告上海安自康公司(Shanghai Anzikang Electric Co. Ltd.)案(下稱本案),Pacific Bioscience主張上海安自康的蒂歐尼超音波潔面機(Dione facial cleansing system),侵害原告所擁有之兩件發明專利、一件設計專利以及Clarisonic系列產品外觀等權利,其販賣行為並構成違反華盛頓州消費者保護法(RCW § 19.86.090)以及普通法(common law)之不公平競爭行為。
美國專利編號US 7,320,691,名稱為「用來對早期粉刺進行聲波/機械式治療的裝置與方法(Apparatus and method for acoustic/mechanical treatment of early stage acne)」,於2008年1月22日核發。本件專利在經過再審查(reexamination)後,原本請求項1至52之可專利性被確認,並增加了請求項53至64;
美國專利編號US 7,386,906,名稱為「用於個人照護器具之振動刷頭配件系統(Oscillating brushhead attachment system for a personal care appliance)」,於2008年6月17日核發。
美國專利編號US D523,809,名稱為「用於電動皮膚刷的充電器(Charger for an electric skin brush)」,於2006年6月27日核發。
Pacific Bioscience所擁有品牌Clarisonic Plus與Clarisonic Pro系列產品為例,主張其商品外觀包括但不限於下列元素:產品之沙漏狀形狀、產品頭部形狀、頭部兩邊相同之弧形、位在裝置正面之淚滴型面板、位於淚滴型面板上部之一或多個控制鍵、位於淚滴型面板正上方的兩個圓形燈、位在裝置背部最窄處的四個圓形燈、在裝置背部最寬處標示商品名稱、刷頭刷毛中有以對比色呈現之刷毛環、前述刷毛環環繞刷頭且刷毛高低不同之形狀與路徑、表面具備平均分布之六個大孔的刷蓋等。
Pacific Bioscience亦主張其產品充電器具備以下商品外觀元素:產品之靴型形狀、產品前緣面板以誇張比例向前延伸、產品前部支架明顯高於後部支架等。
Clarisonic Plus Clarisonic Pro
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Source: 本案訴狀
Pacific Bioscience在2011年12月為法國L’Oréal S.A所併購,所以L’Oréal S.A是在本案中被主張之各項權利的權利所有人,而Pacific Bioscience則是在美國境內的專屬被授權人。(1256字;表3)
US 7,320,691請求項1 US 7,386,906請求項1
1. An apparatus for treatment of acne, comprising:
1. A brushhead assembly attachment system for a personal care appliance which includes an appliance body, comprising:
at least two contacting elements having end faces, all of the end faces being in substantially the same plane, wherein at least one contacting element is a moving contacting element, the end faces of the moving contacting element moving in a single plane;
a hub member adapted to be secured to a driven shaft of a personal care appliance, the hub member including a plurality of locking elements around the periphery thereof;
a mounting assembly for holding the contacting elements substantially adjacent to each other; and
an outer brushhead portion having a first cleaning member extending therefrom, the outer brushhead portion having a connecting structure for removably joining the outer brushhead assembly to the personal care appliance; and
an assembly for positively moving said at least one moving contacting element bi-directionally about a neutral position relative to at least one adjacent contacting element, to produce alternating tension and compression of the skin,
an inner brushhead portion having a second cleaning member extending therefrom, configured to fit within the outer brushhead portion, which is configured to encircle the inner brushhead portion,
wherein when the apparatus is positioned so that the end faces of the contacting elements contact the skin, an action on the skin in the plane of a skin area to be treated for acne is produced to remove sebum plugs from skin pores, permitting ready removal thereof from the skin.
wherein the inner brushhead portion includes a plurality of depending legs, at least some of which mate with the locking elements on the hub member, such that oscillating movement of the hub member results in similar movement of the inner brushhead portion,
 pclass_11164e_20150527.gif wherein at least others of the depending legs are configured to removably latch onto a portion of the outer brushhead portion, providing a joining relationship therebetween, but permitting oscillation of the inner brushhead portion relative to the outer brushhead portion,
wherein the inner brushhead portion and the outer brushhead portion are configured relative to each other and to the hub member such that attaching the outer brushhead portion to the appliance body by means of said connecting structure results in both connection of the outer brushhead portion to the appliance body and connection of the inner brushhead portion to the hub member.
US 8,315,619 請求項
the ornamental design for a charger for an electric skin brush, as shown and described
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/05
表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Pacific Bioscience控告Anzikang
訴訟名稱 Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. Shanghai Anzikang Electric Co. Ltd.
提告日期 2015年5月1日
原告 Pacific Bioscience Laboratories Inc.
被告 Shanghai Anzikang Electric Co. Ltd.
案號 2:15-cv-00696-JLR
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington
系爭專利與其他權利 US 7,320,691 US 7,386,906 US D523,809 商品外觀(trade dress)
系爭產品 上海安自康(Shanghai Anzikang)所製造販賣、並在美國境內透過網路販賣的蒂歐尼超音波潔面機(Dione facial cleansing system),
http://acne.center/anzikang-electric-facial-body-brush-spa-cleaning-system-electric-waterproof-gift-packing-pink/ (最後瀏覽日:2015/05/25)
訴狀下載  download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/05
訴訟名稱 案號 被告 系爭專利與其他權利 被控侵權產品
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. Accord Media, LLC. 2:15-cv-00684-JLR Accord Media, LLC US 7,320,691 US 7,386,906 US D523,809 商品外觀(trade dress) UltraClear facial cleansing system
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. ANEX Corporation 2:15-cv-00685-JLR ANEX Corporation US 7,320,691 US 7,386,906 Mimian facial cleansing system
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. Beauty Tech, Inc. 2:15-cv-00686-JLR Beauty Tech, Inc. US 7,320,691 US D523,809 NuSonic facial cleansing system
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. Coreana Cosmetics Co, Inc. 2:15-cv-00687-JLR Coreana Cosmetics Co., Ltd. US 7,320,691 US 7,386,906 Coreana 4D Motion facial cleansing system
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. H2Pro BeautyLife, Inc. 2:15-cv-00688-JLR H2Pro BeautyLife, Inc. US 7,320,691 Eve facial cleansing system
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. Home Skinovations Inc. et al 2:15-cv-00689-JLR Home Skinovations Inc.   Home Skinovations Ltd US 7,320,691 Silk’n Sonic facial cleansing system
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. Korean Beauty Co. Ltd 2:15-cv-00690-JLR Korean Beauty Co Ltd US 7,320,691 Korean Beauty facial cleansing brush head system
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. Michael Todd True Organics LP et al 2:15-cv-00691-JLR Michael Todd True Organics LP   MTTO LLC US 7,320,691 Soniclear facial cleansing system
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. Nutra-Luxe M.D. LLC 2:15-cv-00692-JLR Nutra-Luxe M.D. LLC US 7,320,691 US D523,809 NutraSonic 4-Speed facial cleansing system以及NutraSonic Travel/Companion facial cleansing system
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. Our Family Jewels Inc. 2:15-cv-00693-JLR Our Family Jewels Inc. US 7,320,691 US 7,386,906 US D523,809 商品外觀(trade dress) Episonic facial cleansing system
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. RN Ventures Ltd 2:15-cv-00694-JLR RN Ventures Ltd US 7,320,691 US D523,809 Magnitone Pulsar facial cleansing system
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. Serious Skin Care Inc. et al 2:15-cv-00695-JLR Serious Skin Care Inc.   Flageoli Classic Limited US 7,320,691 US D523,809 Beauty Buzz facial cleansing system
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. Wenzhou AI ER Electrical Technology Co. Ltd 2:15-cv-00697-JLR Wenzhou AI ER Electrical Technology Co Ltd US 7,320,691 US 7,386,906 CNAIER facial cleansing brush massager
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. v. Xnovi Electronic Co. Ltd. 2:15-cv-00698-JLR Xnovi Electronic Co Ltd US 7,320,691 US 7,386,906 Lemon Sonic Skin Cleansing System
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/05
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