
微型懸浮結構專利訴訟 微智半導體再告瑞聲科技

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MemSmart Semiconductor Corp. (微智半導體股份有限公司;下稱微智)於2015年4月21日向美國德州東區聯邦地方法院控告AAC Technologies Pte. Ltd. (瑞聲科技;下稱瑞聲)及其相關公司一共三家公司侵權。



原告MemSmart曾於2013年6月21日於美國德州東區聯邦地方法院,對總部位於美國加州的Apple Inc.(下稱蘋果)提起專利侵權訴訟[2:13-cv-00518],指控蘋果iphone 4手機等侵犯其專利權[註二],此案於2014年5月21日法官同意被告Apple移轉法院至北加州審理[3:14-cv-02300];此案亦於2015年2月10日達成雙方和解而撤告,如此看來,原告MemSmart已向被告Apple取得第一桶金,作為後續打仗的資金。

還有,原告MemSmart在2014年12月11日於美國德州東區聯邦地方法院分別對被告及AKUSTICA, INC. (下稱AKUSTICA,博世Bosch的子公司)提起專利侵權訴訟,指控被告及AKUSTICA侵犯其專利權(被告及AKUSTICA皆致力於微機電麥克風產品),兩案於今年3月20日經管轄法院命合併審理,而原告於今年4月7日撤回被告之訴部分。

原告所主張系爭專利美國第7,829,364號方法專利「Method of fabricating a suspension microstructure (製造一懸浮微結構之方法)」於2010年11月9日公告獲准,申請號為US12/243,972,申請日期為2008年10月2日,共有13項專利請求項(其中3項為獨立項),發明人為Siew-Seong Tan (陳曉翔),發明人曾於2006-2009年為原告之研發經理,在申請系爭專利時正好同時於清華大學進修博士,此外系爭專利亦有申請我國專利(TW)公告號I340121之「微型懸浮結構及其製造方法」專利,共有19項專利請求項(其中6項為獨立項)。




  • 2010年2月23日公告獲准的美國第7,666,702號方法專利「Method for fabricating a microstructure (製造一微結構之方法)」,申請號為US11/946,831,申請日期為2007年11月28日,共有7項專利請求項(其中2項為獨立項),系爭專利領域涉及用於製造半導體微機電系統的微結構之方法;優點為:既然從基板的下表面執行蝕刻,施加至所暴露微結構之蝕刻製程被減少,預防微結構的暴露可減少微結構的損壞。

  • 於2011年1月4日公告獲准的美國第7,863,289號方法專利「Method for fabricating a sealed cavity microstructure (製造一密封腔微結構之方法)」,申請號為US12/042,289,申請日期為2008年3月4日,共有6項專利請求項(其中1項為獨立項),系爭專利領域涉及用於製造一密封腔微結構之方法;優點為:因為覆蓋層用作為預防灰塵和顆粒之保護層而減少微機電結構的外露和損壞的可能性,此外覆蓋層和微機電結構可積體化而設計為電子電路的一部分,因此於製造製程後覆蓋層的連續操作功能能有效地被增加且封裝成本被減少。

  • 於2011年5月3日公告獲准的美國第7,935,556號方法專利「Microelectromechanical system and process of making the same (微機電系統及製造其之製程)」,申請號為US11/845,780,申請日期為2007年8月27日,共有4項專利請求項(其中1項為獨立項),系爭專利領域涉及微機電系統,使用於包括但不限於機械濾波器、加速度計、陀螺儀、光調變器和射頻被動裝置;優點為:系統減少製造成本和有效地預防過蝕刻和微結構與電路間的干擾。



專利名稱 Method of fabricating a suspension microstructure
公開號 US7829364 B2
出版類型 授權
申請書編號 US 12/243,972
發佈日期 2010年11月09日
申請日期 2008年10月02日
優先權日期 2007年12月14日
發明人 Siew-Seong Tan
原專利權人 Memsmart Semiconductor Corporation
目前專利權人 Memsmart Semiconductor Corporation
圖示  pclass_11112a_20150512.gif

專利名稱 Method of fabricating a suspension microstructure
公開號 公開/公告日 發明人 申請人
US20090243084A1 2009-10-01 Tan Siew Seong MemSmart Semiconductor Corp.
TW200925101A 2007-12-14 Tan Siew Seong MemSmart Semiconductor Corp.
TWI340121B 2011-04-11 Tan Siew Seong MemSmart Semiconductor Corp.

表一(3)、系爭專利US7,829,364 Claim 1請求項解析 Source:科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/05
A method for fabricating a suspension microstructure comprising the steps of:

forming an insulation layer including inner micro-electro-mechanical structures on an upper surface of a silicon substrate, the micro-electro-mechanical structure including at least one microstructure and a plurality of metal circuits that are independent from each other, the micro-electro-mechanical structures having an exposed portion on a surface of the insulation layer, the exposed portion being provided with through holes correspondingly to predetermined etching spaces of the micro-electro-mechanical structures, which only penetrates the insulation layer without contacting the micro-electro-mechanical structures;

next, forming a photoresist with an opening on the insulation layer, the opening of the photoresist being located outside the through holes of the exposed portion;

subsequently, conducting an etching from the through holes of the exposed portion downwards to form etching spaces which only penetrate the insulation layer, the microstructures of the micro-electro-mechanical structures being clad in the insulation layer; and
realizing suspension of the microstructures by etching.

專利名稱 Method for fabricating a microstructure
公開號 US 7666702 B2
出版類型 授權
申請書編號 US 11/946,831
發佈日期 2010年02月23日
申請日期 2007年11月28日
優先權日期 2007年11月28日
發明人 Sheng-Hung Li, Siew-Seong Tan, Cheng-Yen Liu, Li-Ken YEH
原專利權人 Memsmart Semiconductor Corporation
目前專利權人 Memsmart Semiconductor Corporation
專利家族 US20090137113A1
圖示  pclass_11112b_20150512.gif

表二(2)、系爭專利US7,666,702 Claim 1請求項解析
A method for fabricating a microstructure comprising the steps of:

forming at least one insulation layer over an upper surface of a silicon substrate, the insulation layer including an inner metal micro-electro-mechanical structure, the micro-electro-mechanical structure including at least one microstructure and at least one metal sacrificial structure that are independent with each other, the metal sacrificial structure including metal layers and metal via layers connected to the respective metal layers;

forming at least one barrier layer over an upper surface of the insulation layer;

forming an etching stop layer over a lower surface of the silicon substrate;

carrying out an etching operation from the lower surface of the silicon substrate to form a space corresponding to a predetermined suspension microstructure in the micro-electro-mechanical structure; and

etching the metal sacrificial structure for forming a suspension space for the microstructure to achieve a microstructure suspension of the micro-electro-mechanical structure.

專利名稱 Method for fabricating a sealed cavity microstructure
公開號 US 7863063 B2
出版類型 授權
申請書編號 US 12/042, 289
發佈日期 2011年01月04日
申請日期 2008年03月04日
優先權日期 2008年03月04日
發明人 Siew-Seong Tan
原專利權人 Memsmart Semiconductor Corporation
目前專利權人 Memsmart Semiconductor Corporation
專利家族 US20090227060A1
圖示  pclass_11112c_20150512.gif

表三(2)、系爭專利US7,863,063 Claim 1請求項解析
A method for fabricating a sealed cavity microstructure comprising the steps of:

depositing an insulation layer with a micro-electro-mechanical structure on an upper surface of a silicon substrate, the micro-electro-mechanical structure includes at least one suspended structure and at least one conductive structure, between the suspended structure and the conductive structure is disposed a spacer region, the micro-electro-mechanical structure is clad by the insulation layer;

etching the insulation layer, after the insulation layer is etched, the suspended structure and the conductive structure of the micro-electro-mechanical structure are exposed outside, and the spacer region is etched into a hollow configuration;

cladding a sacrificial layer over the insulation layer, the sacrificial layer is filled into the spacer region, and the sacrificial layer is covered over the suspended structure and the conductive structure of the micro-electro-mechanical structure;

performing an etching from a rear back surface of the silicon substrate and directionally forming space connecting to the spacer region;

forming at least one hole in the sacrificial layer, the hole is formed over the conductive structure;

depositing a cap layer over the sacrificial layer, the cap layer covers the hole of the sacrificial layer, and the cap layer contacts the conductive structure after being filled into the hole of the sacrificial layer;

removing the sacrificial layer by etching, the sacrificial layer inside the spacer region, and the sacrificial layer under the cap layer are both etched through an empty space of the cap layer, and the spacer region connects with the space of the silicon substrate to achieve the suspension of the suspended structure; and

depositing a sealing layer outside the cap layer to subsequently seal a clearance of the cap layer.


表四(1)、系爭專利基本資料及代表圖示US7, 935,556
專利名稱 Microelectromechanical system and process of making the same
公開號 US7935556 B2
出版類型 授權
申請書編號 US 11/845,780
發佈日期 2011年05月13日
申請日期 2007年08月27日
優先權日期 2007年08月27日
發明人 Li-Ken YEH, I-Hsiang Chiu
原專利權人 Memsmart Semiconductor Corporation
目前專利權人 Memsmart Semiconductor Corporation
圖示  pclass_11112d_20150512.gif

表四(2)、系爭專利US7, 935,556家族
專利名稱 Microelectromechanical system and process of making the same
公開號 公開/公告日 發明人 申請人
US20090057817A1 2009-03-05 Li-Ken YEH, I-Hsiang Chiu MemSmart Semiconductor Corp.
US20100109121A1 2010-05-06 Li-Ken YEH, I-Hsiang Chiu MemSmart Semiconductor Corp.

表四(3)、系爭專利US7, 935,556 Claim 1請求項解析
A method for fabricating a microelectromechanical system, comprising the steps of:

forming a microstructure, a circuit, and an insulation layer covering a microstructure and a circuit on a substrate by a pre-process, and a metal layer is formed on a top of the microstructure and the circuit formed in this process;

removing parts of the insulation layer not covered by the metal layer by a first etching process;

removing parts of the substrate not covered by the metal layer and form grooves between the microstructure and the circuit by a second etching process after the first etching process;

forming a mask on the substrate to cover the circuit and completely fill the grooves and expose the microstructure after the second etching process; and

releasing the microstructure from the substrate by a third etching process after the mask is formed on the substrate.

表五、專利訴訟案件基本資料:MemSmart Semiconductor Corp. v. AAC Technologies Pte. Ltd. et. al.
訟案名稱 MemSmart Semiconductor Corp. v. AAC Technologies Pte. Ltd. et. al.
提告日期 2015/4/21
原告 MemSmart Semiconductor Corp.
被告 AAC Technologies Pte. Ltd. AAC Technologies Holdings Inc. American Audio Component, Inc.
案號 2:15-cv-00531
訴訟法院 Texas Eastern District Court
案由 35:284 Willful Patent Infringement
系爭專利 US7,829,364
系爭產品(3) •Acoustic MEMS microphones SM0102B-L383-M02, SM0102B-N383-M02, SM0401L-F383-M02, SM0401L-F423- M02, SDM0401B-263-M02, SDM0401-263-M02, SDM0301-263-M02, SDM0102B-263-M02, AM0502B-NEA381-M02, SM0401L-NEA381-G02, SM0401BL-NEA381-M02, SM03022- A421-M02, SM0401L-D423-M02, SDM0401-263-M03, SDM0401L-D263-G04, SDM0401BD263-M03, AM0502-NEA381-G02, SDM0502B-D263-M03, SM0103-P383-M02 •Acoustic MEMS microphones SM0102B-L383-M02, SM0102B-N383-M02, SM0401L-F383-M02, SM0401L-F423-M02, SDM0401B-263-M02, SDM0401-263-M02, SDM0301-263-M02, SDM0102B-263-M02, AM0502B-NEA381-M02, SM0401L-NEA381-G02, SM0401BL-NEA381-M02, SM03022- A421-M02, SM0401L-D423-M02, SDM0401-263-M03, SDM0401L-D263-G04, SDM0401BD263-M03, AM0502-NEA381-G02, SDM0502B-D263-M03, SM0103-P383-M02 •Acoustic MEMS microphones SM0102B-L383-M02, SM0102B-N383-M02, SM0401L-F383-M02, SM0401L-F423-M02, SDM0401B-263-M02, SDM0401-263-M02, SDM0301-263-M02, SDM0102B-263-M02, AM0502B-NEA381-M02, SM0401L-NEA381-G02, SM0401BL-NEA381-M02, SM03022- A421-M02, SM0401L-D423-M02, SDM0401-263-M03, SDM0401L-D263-G04, SDM0401BD263-M03, AM0502-NEA381-G02, SDM0502B-D263-M03,SM0103-P383-M02
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[註一] http://www.aactechnologies.com/tc/about-aac
[註二] 科技產業資訊室LCL 微型懸浮結構專利訴訟,台灣MemSmart控告Apple公司 2013/7
