
排汗運動服專利訴訟 POINT 3控告Nike

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2015年3月20日
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2015年3月6日,營業處所設於美國喬治亞州的籃球服飾用品品牌商POINT 3 Basketball, LLC公司(下稱POINT 3,公司網站http://www.point3basketball.com/ ),向美國喬治亞州北區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告全球知名之運動服飾用品品牌Nike, Inc.(下稱Nike)所製造販賣之運動服產品,包括但不限於,美國NCAA大學籃球校隊制服短褲、NBA球星LeBron、Kevin Durant、Kobe之籃球背心與短褲等產品,直接侵害了POINT 3所擁有之系爭專利權利的請求項1。
本案系爭專利為美國專利編號US 8,769,716,名稱為「水分控制之服裝(Moisture control garment)」,於2014年7月8日核發,發明人為POINT 3的創辦人兼執行長Michael Luscher。
POINT 3以DRYV® Moisture Control Technology之名稱來商品化系爭專利所描述的技術。根據其網站介紹,該技術是將毛巾材質放在運動服表面的特定區塊上,而運動服大部分的材質是可以快乾排汗,所以這件運動服一方面可以讓穿著者在運動時保持乾爽,另一方面又可以用運動服上的毛巾材質區塊,擦拭手部或面部等所流出的汗水。
本案並非POINT 3首度對Nike提出訴訟挑戰。在2011年4月21日,POINT 向紐約州南區聯邦地院起訴,控告Nike所製造販賣之NBA邁阿密熱火隊球星Dwyane Wade球鞋產品,其上面所印製的數字3標誌,侵害POINT 3所擁有的商標權利(訴訟名稱為Point 3 Basketball, Inc. v. Nike, Inc.,案號為1:11-cv-02724-RMB,系爭商標權則為美國註冊商標編號3,905,847)。而後POINT 3與Nike在2011年9月就控告商標侵權一案達成和解,POINT 3則在2011年10月6日撤回前述告訴。(730字;表2)
US 8,769,716 請求項1
1. An athletic garment for covering portions of a wearer's body formed from a first material (FIG.2 – 22 & FIG.3 - 32) having moisture wicking properties, one side of said first material is positioned toward the wearer to wick moisture away from the body parts of the wearer in the portions covered by the first material and another side of said first material faces the outside of the garment to release such moisture to the environment, and
sections of a second material (FIG.2 – 20 & FIG.3 - 30) having moisture absorbing properties which second material is secured at only limited selective locations on the garment leaving the substantial majority of the garment having only the first material, said selective locations being strategically accessible to other parts of the wearer's body not being covered by the garment, such second material providing a surface area to absorb moisture from such other parts of the wearer's body when such other parts are wiped onto said sections of the second material,
said first and second materials having structural characteristics including thickness, size and fabric weight to be compatible with each other to maximize the effectiveness of the first and second materials whereby the first material can efficiently wick moisture from the body parts of the wearer covered by the first material and the second material can efficiently absorb moisture from the body parts not covered by the garment;
wherein the difference in thickness between the thickness of the sections of the second material and the thickness of the first material is 0.25 inches or less.
 圖一、水分控制之服裝(Moisture control garment)
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/03
表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:POINT 3控告Nike
訴訟名稱 POINT 3 Basketball, LLC v. Nike, Inc.
提告日期 2015年3月6日
原告 POINT 3 Basketball, LLC
被告 Nike, Inc.
案號 1:15-cv-00683-RWS
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia
系爭專利 US 8,769,716
系爭服務 Nike所製造販賣之運動服飾產品,包括但不限於,美國NCAA大學籃球校隊制服短褲,例如Nike Hyper Elite Shorts for the University of Kentucky、Duke University等,http://news.nike.com/news/nike-basketball-unveils-new-uniforms-for-eight-select-ncaa-basketball-teams,以及NBA球星籃球背心與短褲,例如LeBron Outdoor Tech Shorts (http://www.footlocker.com/product/model:195290/sku:28990055/nike-lebron-outdoor-tech-shorts-mens/grey/purple/)、LeBron Outdoor Tech Sleeveless Top (http://www.footlocker.com/product/model:213565/sku:96477018/nike-lebron-outdoor-tech-sleeveless-mens/lebron-james/grey/grey)、KD (Kevin Durant) Outdoor Tech Shorts、KD (Kevin Durant) Outdoor Tech Sleeveless Top、Kobe Outdoor Tech Shorts、Kobe Outdoor Tech Sleeveless Top等(最後瀏覽日:2015/03/19)
訴狀下載  download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/03
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