
行動裝置USB隨身碟專利訴訟Imation控告Monster Digital

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圖、行動裝置USB隨身碟專利訴訟Imation控告Monster Digital
2014年8月29日,營運總部設於美國明尼蘇達州的儲存媒體國際級大廠Imation Corporation(怡敏信,下稱Imation),向美國明尼蘇達州聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告以Monster Digital®之註冊商標為品牌名稱、製造販賣資料儲存與記憶體產品的公司Monster Products, Inc.、以及Monster Digital®品牌之被授權廠商Tandon Digital Products, Inc. (以下統稱Monster Digital),其所製造販賣、具備可伸縮USB與USB Micro連接頭的USB隨身碟產品,如Monster Digital® Advanced USB 3.0 On-The-Go Flash Drive系列產品(訴狀中將之稱為the Monster Digital Mobile USB Advanced 2 Connecter product),直接與間接侵害Imation為專利權人之3項專利權利的至少請求項1,而3項專利之發明均涉及具備可伸縮之多重連接頭的記憶卡裝置。
  • 美國專利編號US 6,908,038,名稱為「具備保護連接頭之可伸縮保護套的多重連接頭記憶卡(Multi-connector memory card with retractable sheath to protect the connectors)」,於2005年6月21日核發,發明人為Trung V. Le;
  • 美國專利編號US 7,535,718,名稱為「與複數連接頭標準相容之記憶卡(Memory card compatible with multiple connector standards)」,於2009年5月19日核發,發明人為Trung V. Le;
  • 美國專利編號US 7,481,659,名稱為「多重連接頭記憶卡(Multiconnector memory card)」,於2009年1月27日核發,發明人為Gregory H. Johnson與Daniel C. Egan。
本案為2014年Imation向明尼蘇達州聯邦法院所起訴、控告類似產品專利侵權的第4案(參見本網站相關報導《行動裝置USB隨身碟專利訴訟 Imation分別控告Leef、Sony和Verbatim侵權》):1月30日Imation控告Verbatim Corporation的Store’ n’ Go® OTG USB Drive產品侵害本案相同系爭專利權利(案號為0:14-cv-00286-SRN-JSM),而該案在2月27日以Imation自願撤告收場;3月7日Imation控告Leef USA, LLC的Bridge 3.0 Mobile USB drive與Bridge 2.0 Mobile USB drive產品侵害本案相同專利權利 (案號為0:14-cv-00618-JRT-SER),該案目前仍在繫訟中;3月10日Imation則是控告Sony Electronics, Inc.的MicroVault Smartphone USB Flash Drive產品侵害本案系爭專利US6,908,038 與另一專利US 7,151,673之權利(案號為0:14-cv-00628-MJD-SER),該案目前亦仍在繫訟中。
根據Imation中文官網之資料,其產品線遍及磁學、光學、儲存式卡碟、可攜式硬碟、可攜式超薄型光碟機及Defender防禦者系列等六大類,2010年總營業額為22億美元,約有56%的收益來自美國境外,而至2010年12月止,Imation 在全世界約有1115位員工,並已取得340多項美國科技專利。(1270字;表2)
US 6,908,038請求項1 US 7,535,718請求項1
1. A memory card (FIG. 4A & 4B - 30) comprising: 一項記憶卡,包括 1. A memory card (FIG.13 -100) comprising: 一項記憶卡,包括
a housing (FIG. 4A & 4B - 30);一外殼 a memory (FIG.13 -102);一記憶體
a memory in the housing; 一位在外殼內的記憶體 a first connector (FIG.13 -104) electrically coupled to the memory and conforming to a first connector standard; 一第一連接頭,其電路連接於記憶體上並遵循一第一連接頭標準
a device connector (FIG. 4A & 4B - 32) on the housing, the device connector conforming to a device connection standard and allowing access to the memory by a device compatible with the device connection standard; and 一位在外殼上的裝置連接頭,該裝置連接頭遵循一裝置連接標準,並能讓與該裝置連接標準相容之裝置得以存取記憶體 a second connector (FIG.13 -106) electrically coupled to the memory and conforming to a second connector standard, wherein the first connector standard comprises a host computer connector (HCC) standard and the second connector standard comprises a device communication connector (DCC) standard; and 一第二連接頭,其電路連接於記憶體上並遵循一第二連接頭標準,其中第一連接頭標準為一主機電腦連接頭(HCC)標準而第二連接頭標準為一裝置通訊連接頭(DCC)標準
a host connector (FIG. 4A & 4B - 33) protruding from the housing, the host connector conforming to a host connection standard and allowing access to the memory upon insertion of the host connector into a computer interface compatible with the host connection standard, 一從外殼突出的主機連接頭,該主機連接頭遵循一主機連接標準,並能在該主機連接頭被插入與該主機連接標準相容之一電腦介面時,讓記憶體被存取 a controller that controls the memory and controls output via the first connector and the second connector, 一控制器,其控制記憶體並控制經由第一連接頭和第二連接頭之輸出
wherein the housing and the host connector protruding from the housing define memory card dimensions which substantially conform to dimensions including a height of approximately 32 mm, and a width of approximately 24 mm.其中外殼與從外殼突出之主機連接頭界定記憶卡之尺寸,其具體符合長約32mm、寬約24mm之尺寸 wherein the first and second connectors are electrically coupled to the memory through the controller and wherein the controller comprises a memory controller integrated with a first connector controller conforming to the first connector standard and integrated with a second connector controller conforming to the second connector standard, 其中第一與第二連接頭透過控制器與記憶體電路連接,其中控制器包含一記憶體控制器,其與遵循第一連接頭標準之第一連接頭控制器整合,亦與遵循第二連接頭標準之第二連接頭控制器整合
 20140902_01_A01.gif wherein at least one of the first connector and the second connector comprises a retractable connector that can be positioned in an extended position and a retracted position, wherein the retractable connector retracts linearly within a slot of memory card from the extended position to the retracted position along an axis parallel to an edge of the memory card.其中第一連接頭與第二連接頭至少其中之一為一可伸縮連接頭,其可以延至一延伸位置與縮進一縮入位置,其中該可伸縮連接頭是在記憶卡的一溝槽中、從延伸位置到縮入位置間、沿著與記憶卡邊界平行之軸線直線式伸縮



US 7,481,659請求項1
1. A memory card (FIG.1A - 10) comprising:一項記憶卡,包括
a housing (FIG.1A - 14);一外殼
a memory (FIG.1A - 16); and 一記憶體
a movable member (FIG.1A - 12) movably mounted to the housing, 一可動式橫桿,被可移動地架設在外殼上
the movable member comprising: 前述可動式橫桿包括
a first connector (FIG.1A - 18) electrically coupled to the memory and substantially conforming to a first connection standard; and 一第一連接頭,其電路連接於記憶體並遵循一第一連接標準
a second connector (FIG.1A - 20) electrically coupled to the memory and substantially conforming to a second connection standard, 一第二連接頭,其電路連接於記憶體並遵循一第二連接標準
the movable member being movable between a first position and a second position, wherein when the movable member is in the first position, the first and second connectors are at least partially exposed and the second connector does not extend past an outer perimeter of the housing, and wherein when the movable member is in the second position, the second connector is exposed, at least a portion of the second connector extends past the outer perimeter of the housing, and at least a portion of the first connector is substantially covered.可動式橫桿可移動於一第一位置與一第二位置間,當可動式橫桿在第一位置時,第一與第二連接頭至少部分露出而第二連接頭並不會延展至超出外殼之外周邊,當可動式橫桿在第二位置時,第二連接頭露出,至少部分第二連接頭延展超出外殼之外周邊,而至少第一連接頭之一部分被具體包覆


Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心科技產業資訊室整理,2014/09
表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Imation控告Monster Digital
訴訟名稱 Imation Corporation v. Tandon Digital Products, Inc. et al
提告日期 2014年8月29日
原告 Imation Corporation
被告 Tandon Digital Products, Inc.Monster Products, Inc.
案號 0:14-cv-03314-ADM-SER
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota
系爭專利 US 6,908,038US 7,535,718US 7,481,659
系爭產品 Monster Digital所製造販賣之具備可伸縮USB與USB Micro連接頭的USB隨身碟產品,如Monster DigitalR Advanced USB 3.0 On-The-Go Flash Drive系列產品(訴狀中將之稱為the Monster Digital Mobile USB Advanced 2 Connector Product),http://www.monsterdigital.com/usb-drives/advanced-30-otg(最後瀏覽日:2014/09/02)
訴狀下載  download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心科技產業資訊室整理,2014/09
