
分散式天線系統(DAS)產品專利戰:Corning Wireless控告韓商SOLiD

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2014年8月25日
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隸屬於特殊玻璃和陶瓷材料之全球領導廠商康寧公司(Corning Incorporated)旗下康寧電信事業群的康寧光纜系統(Corning Optical Communications,全部股權由康寧公司持有),其以色列分公司Corning Optical Communications Wireless Ltd.(下稱Corning Wireless),於2014年5月23日向美國維吉尼亞州東區聯邦地院(the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia)提起專利侵權告訴,控告南韓廠商Solid, Inc.以及其美國通路分公司Reach Holdings, LLC (其以SOLiD Techologies名義在美從事商業活動,兩被告以下統稱SOLiD)所製造開發與銷售、具備能傳遞多重輸入多重輸出(multiple input multiple output,MIMO)訊號功能之分散式天線系統(Distribute Antenna System,DAS)設備產品,例如但不限於ALLIANCE Multi-Carrier DAS產品,直接與間接侵害了Corning Wireless所擁有之兩項專利權利。

而在2014年8月18日,美國維吉尼亞州東區聯邦地院法官Henry E. Hudson同意被告SOLiD之聲請,裁定將訴訟移送至加州北區聯邦地院(the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California)進行審理而成為本案。Hudson法官指出,雖然Corning Wireless非美國公司而在美國境內沒有所謂的「家鄉法院」(home forum)可以起訴,但此一因素不足以排除法院對其選擇起訴法院之尊重,只是由於被指控之侵權行為與維吉尼亞州東區間僅有相當鬆散之關聯性(very loose association),所以尊重Corning Wireless選擇之必要性便降低;且更重要的是,多數當事人、與侵權行為具關聯性之可能證人與證據文件,均位在維吉尼亞州東區之外或在美國西岸地區,所以依據前述因素之考量,Hudson法官裁定移送訴訟。


  • 美國專利編號US 7,483,504,名稱為「可用於多重輸入多重輸出(MIMO)之分散式天線系統(MIMO-adapted distributed antenna system)」,於2009年1月27日核發,發明人為Isaac Shapira、Ofer Saban、Yehuda Holtzman與Dror Harel,原始權利人為Mobile Access Networks Ltd.(下稱Mobile Access);
  • 美國專利編號US 5,969,837,名稱為「通訊系統(Communications system)」,於1999年10月19日核發,發明人為Allan Farber、Dmitri Petrov與Howard Loboda,原始權利人為Foxcom Wireless Ltd.,其為Mobile Access之前身公司。

Mobile Access之營運總部位在維吉尼亞州之Vienna,在以色列設有技術中心,並以提供DAS設備為主要業務內容。於2011年1月Corning Incorporated併購Mobile Access並整合其進入康寧光纖部門Corning Wireless。

Corning Wireless在其訴狀中指陳,從2003年到至少2009年,Mobile Access當時之經銷商加州公司TriPower Group, Inc.的員工Seth Buechley,由於業務關係應相當熟知Corning Wireless的DAS設備產品與相關智慧財產權;而從2010年起,Seth Buechley擔任SOLiD Technologies之總裁職務,其應已讓本案原告知悉本案系爭專利相關內容。另外,Corning Wireless 亦指陳,Ken Sandfeld從2004年至2010年任職Mobile Access期間應知悉本案系爭專利內容,所以當其從2010年起轉任SOLiD Technologies之執行副總裁時,其亦應已讓本案原告知悉本案系爭專利相關內容。基於前述事實陳述,Corning Wireless 主張SOLiD之侵權行為為惡意(willful)。(1154字;表2)


US 7,483,504請求項1
1. A method for propagating multiple input multiple output (MIMO) over a distributed antenna system (DAS) network, comprising the steps of: 一項用來在分散式天線系統(DAS)網路上傳遞多重輸入多重輸出(MIMO)的方法,其包括以下步驟
a) providing a plurality n of original MIMO signals;a) 提供複數n個原始MIMO訊號
b) at a first endpoint of the DAS network, frequency shifting n-1 of the MIMO signals into signals with n-1 separate frequencies, with one MIMO signal left un-shifted in frequency; b) 在DAS網路的第一個端點,將n-1個MIMO訊號頻移成具備n-1個不同頻率的訊號,僅讓一個MIMO訊號不受頻移
c) propagating the n-1 frequency shifted signals and the un-shifted frequency signal together over a single coaxial cable extending for at least part of a path from the first endpoint to a second endpoint of the DAS network; and c) 一併傳遞n-1個經頻移訊號與未受頻移訊號,其傳遞是透過一個至少部分通道是從前述第一個端點連接到DAS網路上第二個端點的單一同軸電纜,
d) at the second endpoint, reconstructing the original MIMO signals.d) 在前述第二個端點,重組前述原始MINO訊號
US 5,969,837請求項1
1. A communications station comprising: 一項通訊站,包括
a base unit comprising: 一基地單元,包括
a communications interface for communicating with plural wireless communications networks; 一通訊介面,用來與複數無線通訊網路進行通訊
wherein the plural wireless communications networks comprise at least two communications networks selected from the group consisting of cellular telephone networks, cordless telephones wide area data networks wireless local area networks, personal communications systems, personal communications networks, paging/messaging networks and satellite mobile systems; 其中前述複數無線通訊網路包括至少兩個通訊網路,其從包含蜂巢式電話網路、無線電話廣域資料網路、無線區域網路、個人通訊系統、個人通訊網路、傳呼/訊息網路與衛星行動系統等之群組中選出
a received communications combiner for combining received analog communications signals received from said plural wireless communications networks into a single radio frequency analog output; 一接收通訊合併器,用來將接收自前述複數無線通訊網路之類比通訊訊號,合併成為一單一射頻類比輸出
a transmit communications splitter for splitting previously combined transmit analog communications signals to be transmitted to said plural wireless communications networks into plural radio frequency analog outputs; 一傳送通訊分配器,用來把將被傳送至前述複數無線通訊網路上、先前經合併之傳送類比通訊訊號,分配成複數射頻類比輸出
at least one fiberoptic transmitter receiving said single radio frequency analog output and providing a corresponding optical output; and 至少一個光纖傳送器接收前述單一射頻類比輸出並提供一對應之光學輸出
at least one fiberoptic receiver receiving an optical input and providing an RF analog output containing previously combined transmit analog communications signals; 至少一個光纖接收器接收一光學輸出並提供一包含先前經合併之傳送類比通訊訊號的射頻類比輸出
a plurality of remote units, each comprising: 複數遠端單元,個別均包括
plural antennas for communicating with communicators along plural wireless communications networks; 複數天線,用來透過複數無線通訊網路與通訊器進行通訊
a received communications splitter for splitting previously combined received analog communications signals from said base unit and supplying them to said plural antennas; 一接收通訊分配器,用來分配先前經合併、從前述基地單元所接收之類比通訊訊號,並將其提供給前述複數天線
a transmit communications combiner for combining transmit analog communications signals from said plural antennas into a combined radio frequency analog output; 一傳送通訊合併器,用來將來自前述複數天線之傳送類比通訊訊號合併成一經合併射頻類比輸出
a fiberoptic transmitter receiving said combined radio frequency analog output and providing a corresponding optical output; and 一光纖傳送器,接收前述經合併射頻類比輸出並提供一對應之光學輸出
a fiberoptic receiver receiving an optical input and providing an RF analog output to said received communications splitter containing previously received transmit analog communications signals; 一光纖接收器,接收一光學輸出並提供一包含先前所接收傳送類比通訊訊號之射頻類比輸出至前述接收通訊分配器
a first optical fiber connecting each fiberoptic transmitter of said base unit with a corresponding fiberoptic receiver in a corresponding remote unit; and 一第一光纖,連接前述基地單元之個別光纖傳送器至對應之遠端單元上的對應光纖接收器
a second optical fiber connecting each fiberoptic transmitter of a remote unit with a corresponding fiberoptic receiver in said base unit; and 一第二光纖,連接遠端單元之個別光纖傳送器至前述基地單元之對應光纖接受器
wherein a low frequency control signal is multiplexed by said communications interface onto said optical fiber for providing loop back alarm status of each remote unit and for providing control signals thereto, which control amplifier gain and balance thereof.其中一低頻控制訊號被前述通訊介面多工化到前述光纖上,用來提供個別遠端單元之回送警示狀態,並用來提供控制訊號給遠端單元,控制遠端單元之放大器增益與平衡

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2014/08


表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Corning Wireless控告韓商SOLiD

訴訟名稱 Corning Optical Communications Wireless Ltd. v. Solid, Inc. et al
提告日期 2014年8月20日
原告 Corning Optical Communications Wireless Ltd.
被告 Solid, Inc.Reach Holdings, LLC
案號 5:14-cv-03750-PSG
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
系爭專利 US 7,483,504US 5,969,837
系爭產品 SOLiD製造生產的分散式天線系統(Distributed Antenna System,DAS)設備產品,如ALLIANCE Multi-Carrier DAS,http://www.solid.com/das-solutions/alliance-multi-carrier-das.html (最後瀏覽日:2014/08/24)

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2014/08
