
專利授權公司 v. 遊戲大廠,圖形加速器顯示技術訴訟地圖

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - May 發表於 2009年7月8日
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專利授權公司Shared Memory Graphics於2009年7月2日向遊戲大廠提告,有關於圖形加速器顯示技術的專利侵權訴訟。根據訴狀指出,系爭專利有2件(US5712664、US6081279),但是經查USPTO網站發現,Shared Memory Graphics公司在2009年6月從另外一家專利授權公司Acacia Patent Acquisition Corporation,轉讓取得共計14件專利,該系爭專利正是其中之2件,至於剩下12件專利,極可能也是準備用來打戰用的專利。而這14件專利的原始專利權人是屬於Alliance Semiconductor Corp。

Alliance Semiconductor公司係一家半導體記憶晶片公司,90%銷售額來自SRAM 及DRAM,還有裝於個人電腦、多媒體、網路及通訊設備之中的加速器。同時,也製造快閃記憶體晶片以及圖形快速顯示器和控制器。

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2009/07。

表一、 Shared Memory Graphics, LLC 受讓取得之專利

Patent No. Title Original Assignee Filed IPC Code
US5598095  Switchable current source for digital-to-analog converter (DAC) Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1995-03-08  G05F 3/26
US5825681  Divider/multiplier circuit having high precision mode Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1996-01-24  G06F 7/52
US5940067  Reduced memory indexed color graphics system for rendered images with shading and fog effects Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1995-12-18  G06F 12/00
US5860076  48-bit wide memory architecture addressing scheme reconfigurable for 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit data accesses Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1996-01-11  G06F 12/02
US6301629  High speed/low speed interface with prediction cache Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1998-03-03  G06F 13/40
US6317135  Shared memory graphics accelerator system Alliance Semiconductor Corp  2000-02-04  G06T 1/60
US5892516  Perspective texture mapping circuit having pixel color interpolation mode and method thereof Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1996-03-29  G06T 15/20
US5638090  Window-dependent brightness/tint control for video digital-to-analog converters Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1994-12-01  G09G 1/28
US6043804  Color pixel format conversion incorporating color look-up table and post look-up arithmetic operation Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1997-03-21  G09G 5/02
US5598526  Method and system for displaying images using a dynamically reconfigurable display memory architecture Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1995-02-23  G09G 5/02
US6081279  Shared memory graphics accelerator system Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1997-10-21  G09G 5/39
US5777631  Method and apparatus for displaying a video window in a computer graphics display Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1997-09-11  G09G 5/39
US5712664  Shared memory graphics accelerator system Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1993-10-14  G09G 5/39
US5929872  Method and apparatus for multiple compositing of source data in a graphics display processor Alliance Semiconductor Corp  1997-03-21  G09G 5/393
Source: USPTO,2009/07/07

