表一 、 與凸版印刷共同研究公司(中華民國專利) |
公司名稱 |
專利件數 |
東洋油墨製造股份有限公司 |
7 |
夏普股份有限公司 |
4 |
大塚製藥工場股份有限公司 |
2 |
三井化學股份有限公司 |
1 |
大金工業股份有限公司 |
1 |
日本觸媒股份有限公 |
1 |
住友化學工業股份有限公司 |
1 |
新力股份有限公司 |
1 |
瑞薩科技股份有限公司 |
1 |
資生堂股份有限公司 |
1 |
Source: STPI 整理, 2007/08 |
表二 、 凸版印刷專利之主要技術類別(中華民國專利) |
專利件數 |
G02B |
18 |
G02F |
11 |
B32B |
5 |
B65D |
4 |
G03F |
3 |
G11C |
3 |
H01L |
3 |
H05K |
3 |
Source: STPI整理, 2007/08 |
表三、凸版印刷美國核准專利之優先權日統計 |
年 |
專利件數 |
2003 |
1 |
2002 |
5 |
2001 |
8 |
2000 |
5 |
1999 |
11 |
1998 |
7 |
1997 |
3 |
1996 |
4 |
1995 |
10 |
1994 |
12 |
1993 |
8 |
1992 |
15 |
1991 |
22 |
1990 |
18 |
Source: STPI整理, 2007/08 |
表四、與凸版印刷共同研究公司(美國專利) |
公司名稱 |
專利件數 |
Mitsubishi Electric Corp |
6 |
Nippon Oil Corp. |
2 |
Bridgestone Corp. |
1 |
Meiji Seika Kaisha ltd |
1 |
Mitsui Chemicals Inc. |
1 |
Nippon Shokubai Co. Ltd. |
1 |
Toyo Ink Manufacturing Co. Ltd. |
1 |
Source: STPI整理, 2007/08 |
茂德與日本凸版印刷合作,目的在技術帶入後段彩色濾光片與微透鏡製程技術,建立後段製程的CMOS影像感測器(CIS)供應鏈,提供全製程製造服務。根據凸版印刷(Toppan Printing Co., Ltd., http://www.toppan.co.jp)網站新聞稿指出,該項技術授權合約包括三項產品,分別為影像感測器(Image Sensors)、晶片彩色濾光片(On-chip Color Filters)與微透鏡(Micro Lenses)等。關於合約內容與三項技術說明,可參考原新聞稿[2]。
凸版印刷公司簡介可參考Google Finance說明,如下所示[3]:
TOPPAN PRINTING Co., Ltd. is a Japan-based company engaged in three business segments:
- The Information Network segment is engaged in the printing of securities and cards, including stocks, passbooks, credit cards and identification cards; the provision of commercial printing services for catalogs, pamphlets and advertising publications; the publication of textbooks, magazines and books, and the provision of traveling agency services.
- The Life and Environment segment is involved in the provision of wrapping paper, labels and other paper products, as well as decorative sheet materials, wallpaper and ink. This segment is also engaged in the filling of beverages.
- The Electronics segment offers photo masks, lead frames, printed wiring boards, shadow masks, color filters, screens for rear projection televisions, precision electronic products and functional films.
Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, the Company has 150 subsidiaries and 21 associated companies.
到2007年8月8日止,凸版印刷在美國核准專利共計260件,完整專利列表可來函索取。以優先權日計(Priority Year),近十多年來歷年專利數目如表三所示。260件美國專利中,與其他公司合作之專利件如表四所示,包括Mitsubishi Electric Corp(三菱電機)有6件,與Nippon Oil Corp.(新日本石油公司)有2件等。
- 茂德與凸版印刷技術合作, http://udn.com/NEWS/FINANCE/FIN1/3961546.shtml
- Toppan Printing and Taiwan-based ProMOS conclude a Technology License Agreement for On-chip Color Filters and Micro Lenses for Image Sensors, http://www.toppan.co.jp/english/news/newsrelease608.html
- http://finance.google.com/finance?q=TYO:7911