2012年5月17日,一家以研發與行銷保全監視系統之軟硬體設備與服務為主要業務之e-Watch, Inc.(下稱e-Watch)公司,向美國西德州聯邦地院提告,控告研發生產高解析度數位攝影機與數位影像系統之德商Mobotix AG (美國分公司為Mobotix Corp.,下稱Mobotix)公司所製造販售之數位影像監視系統,侵犯e-Watch所擁有的相關技術專利,有關利用數位多媒體感應器、透過網路提供高解析度之定格與動態影像給保全監視系統。
本案所涉之兩項系爭專利為2006年4月核發之美國專利編號US 7,023,913與2010年6月核發之 US 7,733,371專利,名稱均為「數位保全多媒體感應器(Digital security multimedia sensor)」,發明人為e-Watch的總裁David A. Monroe。
過去訴訟紀錄,e-Watch亦曾以US7,023,913專利,控告生產販售高畫素網路監控攝影機產品之Arecont Vision, LLC 公司、以及生產販售行車紀錄器之Coban Technologies, Inc.公司等提起專利侵權告訴。
e-Watch, Inc.是一家專利授權公司。隸屬於母公司 Telesis Group, Inc.集團,該集團擁有e-Watch之外,還有Telesis Holdings, Inc.。而Telesis Holdings, Inc.又擁有Symmetrics Technology Group 與 Symmetrics這兩家公司18%股權,及擁有PhotoTelesis, LP。而上述及公司,皆由David A. Monroe創立,他同時也是本案專利發明人。根據David A. Monroe敘述,PhotoTelesis依賴E-Watch 開發取得專利及管理專利。(479字;表3)
US 7,023,913 請求項1 |
US 7,733,371 請求項1
1. A digital security camera capable of generating and transmitting digital high resolution image signals in both a full motion video format and a still image frame format, the camera comprising:
一個可以產製並傳送全動態視訊格式與定格畫面格式的數位保全攝影機,其包括 |
1. Apparatus for surveillance of an area, the area, including at least one monitored zone, said apparatus being configured for communication with an internet protocol network, the internet protocol network being configured for communication with at least one monitoring station configured for displaying compressed digital image data transmitted from the apparatus over the internet protocol network to the monitoring station, said apparatus comprising:
用來監控特定區域的裝置,其可透過網際網路通訊,並與至少一個可以顯示該裝置透過網際網路傳輸之經壓縮數位影像資料的監視站進行通訊,該裝置包括 |
a. a plurality of image transducers (Fig.1 -10) each adapted for collecting digital high resolution image signals;
複數個適用於收集數位高解析度影像訊號之影像轉換器 |
a video camera (Fig.1 - 10) positioned to collect image data of a monitored zone;
一個用來收集受監控區域之影像資料的影像攝影機 |
b. a motion video compressor (Fig.1 - 12) associated with the image transducer for compressing full motion video images for generating a compressed full motion video image data signal;
與影像轉換器連動之動態視訊壓縮器,用來產製壓縮後全動態視訊數據訊號 |
said video camera including an analog to digital converter operable to provide digital image data, the digital image data corresponding to collected image data; said video camera including a compressor (Fig.1 – 12 & 14) in communication with the analog to digital converter to receive digital image data, said compressor being operable to compress the digital image data to provide compressed digital image data;
前述影像攝影機包括一個類比轉數位之轉換器,用來提與所收集影像資料相應之數位影像資料,以及一個與轉換器連接之壓縮器,用來壓縮數位影像資料 |
c. a still frame compressor (Fig.1 - 14) associated with the image transducer for compressing still frame images for generating a compressed still frame image data signal;
與影像轉換器連動之定格影像壓縮器,用來產製壓縮後之定格影像數據訊號 |
said video camera including digital storage (Fig.1 -18) in communication with at least one of said analog to digital converter and said compressor to receive the compressed digital image data, said digital storage being configured for retrieval from said digital storage a retrieved selection of the compressed digital image data, the retrieved selection of the compressed digital image data being retrieved upon occurrence of a triggering event, the retrieved selection of the compressed digital image data having a retrieved image resolution;
前述影像攝影機包括與轉換器與壓縮器連接之數位儲存器,其接收經壓縮之數位影像資料,並可在起始事件發生時,以還原之影像解析度,選擇還原之經壓縮數位影像資料 |
d. a first multiplexer(Fig.1 - 15) for merging the compressed full motion video image data signal and the compressed still frame image data signal into a single, combined image data signal;
第一個多工器用來合併全動態視訊數據訊號與定格影像數據訊號成為單一整合影像數據訊號 |
said video camera being configured for communication with the internet protocol network, said video camera being configured to transmit to the internet protocol network the retrieved selection of the compressed digital image data,
前述影像攝影機可以透過網際網路通訊,傳輸選擇還原之經壓縮數位影像資料至網際網路 |
e. a second multiplexer (Fig.1 - 50) for merging all of said signals into a combined data signal;
第二個多工器來合併前述所有訊號為一整合數據訊號 |
said video camera being configured to transmit to the internet protocol network other of the compressed digital image data, the other of the compressed digital image data being transmitted to the internet protocol network without being retrieved from said digital storage, the other of the compressed digital image data being transmitted to the internet protocol network upon occurrence of the triggering event, the other of the compressed digital image data upon being transmitted to the internet protocol network on a near real-time basis, the other of the compressed digital image data having a respective other image resolution, the respective other image resolution being less than the retrieved image resolution;
前述影像攝影機可傳輸其他未從數位儲存器選擇還原之經壓縮數位影像資料至網際網路,在起始事件發生時,以接近即時之方式傳輸,這些經壓縮數位影像資料具備各自的影像解析度,並低於還原之影像解析度 |
f. a processor (Fig.1 - 16) associated with the multiplexer for generating a conditioned output image signal suitable for transmission over a network;
與多工器連動之處理器,用來產製附條件、可以透過網路傳輸之輸出影像訊號, |
g. a motion compressor and a still frame compressor associated with each image transducer and positioned between the image transducer and the second multiplexer;
與影像轉換器連動之動態壓縮器與定格壓縮器,其位於影像轉換器與第二個多工器之間 |
whereby transmission of both the retrieved selection of the compressed digital image data and the other of the compressed digital image data provides for display at the at least one monitoring station both of the following: for display on a near real-time basis the other of the compressed digital image data, and for display on a time-delayed basis the retrieved selection of the compressed digital image data,
傳輸選擇取出與其他經壓縮數位影像資料到至少一個監視站進行顯示,其中其他經壓縮數位影像資料以接近即時之方式顯示,而選擇復原之經壓縮數位影像資料則是延遲顯示 |
and h. a network gateway, wherein said camera may capture both full motion video and still frame video, alternately or simultaneously, and transmit both compressed full motion video and compressed still frame video, alternately or simultaneously.
一個網路閘道器,在前述攝影機交替或同時捕捉全動態視訊與定格視訊後,交替或同時傳送壓縮後全動態視訊與壓縮後定格視訊 |
the retrieved selection of the compressed digital image data originating before termination of one of the following: transmission of the other of the compressed digital image data, and the triggering event.
選擇還原之經壓縮數位影像資料在以下兩個條件成立後開始動作:其他經壓縮數位影像資料之傳輸中止,以及起始事件之發生 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/05
表二、系爭專利US 7,023,913相關之訴訟案
提告日期 |
案件名稱 |
案號 |
訴訟法院 |
專利號 |
2012年4月19日 |
E-Watch Inc. v. Coban Technologies Inc. |
4:12-cv-01250 |
the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas |
US 7,023,913 |
2011年6月30日 |
E-Watch, Inc. v. Arecont Vision, LLC |
5:11-cv-00535 |
the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas |
US 7,023,913 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/05
表三、專利訴訟案件基本資料:E-Watch, Inc.控告Mobotix Corp.
訴訟名稱 |
e-Watch, Inc. v. Mobotix Corp. |
提告日期 |
2012年5月17日 |
原告 |
e-Watch, Inc. |
被告 |
Mobotix Corp. |
案號 |
5:12-cv-00492-FB |
訴訟法院 |
the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas |
系爭專利 |
US 7,023,913
US 7,733,371 |
訴狀下載 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/05