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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - David 發表於 2015年11月13日
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國際會計與顧問公司PwC(資誠)10月27日公布2015年全球創新100大(Global Innovation 1000 Study)研究成果。




  • 2015年研發投入在收入中所占的比例從2014年的3.5%迅速增長至3.7%,原因是PwC調查的1000家公司總收入縮水了。
  • 在研發投入20強中(2015: Top 20 R&D spenders),福斯汽車(Volkswagen)名列首位,投入153億美元,占公司收入的5.7%。其次是三星(Samsung)的141億美元(占公司收入的7.2%)和Intel(英特爾)的115億美元(占公司收入的20.6%)。在研發投資20強中,有7家為科技公司(Google、Amazon、Apple等);5家為汽車公司(Toyota、Daimler、GM等);8家為製藥或醫療保健公司(Roche、Novartis、Johnson & Johnson等)。
  • 在最具創新力公司排名中(2015: 10 Most innovative companies),Apple從2010年開始一直穩居榜首,此次依舊排在首位。而在此期間,Google一直屈居第二位。新進入的第三名是電動車Tesla Motors。




表一 2015年全球研發20大排行榜
2015 2014 Company Geography Industry R&D Spend ($Bn)
1 1 Volkswagen Germany Automotive 15.3
2 2 Samsung South Korea Computing and electronics 14.1
3 3 Intel United States Computing and electronics 11.5
4 4 Microsoft United States Software and internet 11.4
5 5 Roche Switzerland Healthcare 10.8
6 9 Google United States Software and internet 9.8
7 14 Amazon United States Software and internet 9.3
8 7 Toyota United States Automotive 9.2
9 6 Novartis Switzerland Healthcare 9.1
10 8 Johnson & Johnson United States Healthcare 8.5
11 13 Pfizer United States Healthcare 8.4
12 12 Daimler Germany Automotive 7.6
13 11 GM United States Automotive 7.4
14 10 Merck United States Healthcare 7.2
15 15 Ford United States Automotive 6.9
16 16 Sanofi-Aventis France Healthcare 6.4
17 20 Cisco United States Computing and electronics 6.3
18 32 Apple United States Computing and electronics 6
19 19 GlaxoSmithKline United Kingdom Healthcare 5.7
20 28 AstraZeneca United Kingdom Healthcare 5.6
Source : Strategy& (2015)

2014 2013 Company Geography Industry R&D Spend ($Bn)
1 1 Volkswagen Germany Automotive 13.5
2 2 Samsung South Korea Computing and electronics 13.4
3 4 Intel United States Computing and electronics 10.6
4 5 Microsoft United States Software and internet 10.4
5 3 Roche Switzerland Healthcare 10
6 7 Novartis Switzerland Healthcare 9.9
7 6 Toyota Japan Automotive 9.1
8 10 Johnson & Johnson United States Healthcare 8.2
9 12 Google United States Software and internet 8
10 8 Merck United States Healthcare 7.5
11 11 GM United States Automotive 7.2
12 14 Daimler Germany Automotive 7
13 9 Pfizer United States Healthcare 6.7
14 N/A Amazon United States Software and internet 6.6
15 N/A Ford United States Automotive 6.4
16 15 Sanofi-Aventis France Healthcare 6.3
17 13 Honda Japan Automotive 6.3
18 16 IBM United States Computing and electronics 6.2
19 17 GlaxoSmithKline United Kingdom Healthcare 6.1
20 N/A Cisco United States Computing and electronics 5.9
Source : Strategy& (2014)

2015 2014 Company Geography Industry R&D Spend ($Bn)
1 1 Apple United States Computing and electronics 6
2 2 Google United States Software and internet 9.8
3 5 Tesla Motors United States Automotive 0.5
4 4 Samsung South Korea Computing and electronics 14.1
5 3 Amazon United States Software and internet 9.3
6 6 3M United States Industrials 1.8
7 7 General Electric United States Industrials 4.2
8 8 Microsoft United States Software and internet 11.4
9 9 IBM United States Computing and electronics 5.4
10 N/A Toyota Japan Automotive 9.2
Source : Strategy& (2015)

2014 2013 Company Geography Industry R&D Spend ($Bn)
1 1 Apple United States Computing and electronics 4.5
2 2 Google United States Software and internet 8
3 4 Amazon United States Software and internet 6.6
4 3 Samsung South Korea Computing and electronics 13.4
5 9 Tesla Motors United States Automotive 0.2
6 5 3M United States Industrials 1.7
7 6 General Electric United States Industrials 4.8
8 7 Microsoft United States Software and internet 10.4
9 8 IBM United States Computing and electronics 6.2
10 N/A Procter & Gamble United States Consumer 2
Source : Strategy& (2014)

  1. Innovation’s New World Order。Strategy+business,2015/10/27。網址:http://www.strategy-business.com/feature/00370?gko=e606a
  2. Asia is now the top destination for corporate R&D spending。Fortune,2015/10/26。網址:http://fortune.com/2015/10/26/asia-research-development-spending/
  3. 普华永道:亚洲成为大公司研发投入最高区域。新浪財經,2015/10/30。網址:http://finance.sina.com.cn/world/20151030/113523631197.shtml
  4. 2014科學技術統計要覽。台灣經濟研研究院。網址:http://publication.tier.org.tw/list01.asp?doc_id=112014120125&Page=2&q1=&q2=9&q3=&q4=0&q6=&q7=0&q5=&status=f&pub=op 
