
LED燈泡專利訴訟 Feit控告Cree侵權

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2015年7月15日
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2015年7月7日,一家營業處所設立於美國加州的LED燈泡燈具製造廠Feit Electric Company, Inc.(下稱Feit),向美國北卡羅萊納州中區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告營業處所設在北卡羅萊納州的LED照明大廠Cree, Inc.(下稱Cree)所製造販賣、採用4Flow燈絲設計的LED燈泡產品(4Flow LED lamps),侵害Feit所擁有的兩項專利權利。
本案兩件系爭專利為美國專利編號US 8,408,748(’748專利)與US 9,016,901(’901專利),名稱均為「低功率白熾燈的LED燈替換(LED lamp replacement of low power incandescent lamp)」,分別於2013年4月2日與2015年4月28日核發,發明人均為Raymond G. Janik與Carlo Scianna,後者為前者在申請時的連續案(continuation)。
’748專利之原始權利人為Goeken Group Corp.(下稱Goeken),而’901專利之原始權利人則為HS Patent Acquisition, LLC(下稱HS)。根據根據美國專利商標局(USPTO)的專利轉讓資料,Goeken在2013年11月5日時將’748專利與當時仍為公開案的’901專利相關權利轉讓給HS,而HS則是在2015年6月16日將’748專利與’901專利權利轉讓給Feit。而根據Goeken在其網站(https://www.goeken.com/home.html )上所載資訊,其旗下有一家名為PolyBrite International, Inc.的子公司,從事開發LED照明系統相關技術,並曾以Borealis品牌名稱(http://www.borealislighting.com/ )製造販賣LED燈泡、照明設備等產品。
Feit以收購所得來的系爭專利權利控告Cree侵權,可以說是對Cree在今年初所發動之專利戰的反擊。2015年1月12日,Cree向美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)申請專利侵權調查,主張Feit與我國LED廠東貝光電(Unity Opto Technology Co., Ltd)進口至美國的LED產品與零組件侵害Cree的8件發明專利權利,而Cree亦在同日向美國威斯康辛州西區聯邦地院起訴(案號為3:15-cv-00022-wmc),控告Feit與東貝光電侵害相同8件發明專利權利、2件設計專利並涉及不實廣告(參見本網站報導《Cree掀起LED專利戰 指向東貝及Feit》)。ITC在2015年2月18日決定就Cree之申請展開調查(Inv. No. 337-TA-947),而威斯康辛州西區聯邦地院則是在2015年4月8日,基於同樣被列為被告之東貝光電美國子公司Unity Microelectronics, Inc.之聲請,認定該案訴訟涉及與前述ITC調查相同的發明專利,故依據28 U.S.C.§ 1659(a)之規定裁定停止該案訴訟程序,等待ITC調查之結果。(1065字;表2)
US 8,408,748  請求項1 US 9,016,901  請求項1
1. An LED lamp comprising
1. An LED lamp comprising:
a. a base,
a. a base;
b. an elevated light source, comprising i. a first plurality of LEDs connected in series and mounted on one side of a generally flat substrate, said substrate being spaced from said base, and ii. a second plurality of LEDs, equal in number to said first plurality of LEDs, connected in series and mounted on an opposite side of said generally flat substrate, said second plurality of LEDs being located on opposite sides of said generally flat substrate in exactly the same position with said first plurality of LEDs in a filament shape,
b. an elevated light source, comprising i. a first plurality of LEDs connected in series and mounted on one side of a generally flat substrate, said substrate being spaced from said base, and ii. a second plurality of LEDs, equal in number to said first plurality of LEDs, connected in series and mounted on an opposite side of said generally flat substrate, said second plurality of LEDs being located on said opposite side of said generally flat substrate generally in alignment with said first plurality of LEDs, the first and second plurality of LEDs being oriented generally in an arc;
b. a heat sink in said substrate, each LED of said first and second plurality of LEDs being mounted proximate said heat sink, and
c. a heat sink in said substrate, each LED of said first and second plurality of LEDs being mounted proximate said heat sink; and
c. a drive circuit for said LEDs, said drive circuit being located proximate and electrically connected to said base.
d. a drive circuit for said LEDs, said drive circuit being located proximate and electrically connected to said base.
 pclass_11344a_20150716.gif  pclass_11344b_20150716.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/07
訴訟名稱 Feit Electric Company, Inc. v. Cree, Inc.
提告日期 2015年7月7日
原告 Feit Electric Company, Inc.
被告 Cree, Inc.
案號 1:15-cv-00535-WO-JEP
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina
系爭專利 US 8,408,748
US 9,016,901
系爭產品 Cree所製造販賣之4Flow LED燈泡產品,
http://creebulb.com/products/standard-a-type/the-new-60-watt-replacement-soft-white-led-bulb (最後瀏覽日:2015/07/15)
訴狀下載 download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/07
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