
物流網技術專利訴訟 Shipping and Transit控告宏碁電商服務

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - Michael 發表於 2015年5月25日
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剛於2015年3月在美國佛羅里達州設立的專利授權公司Shipping and Transit, LLC (下稱Shipping and Transit),於2015年5月7日向美國佛羅里達州南區聯邦地方法院控告我國電腦設備大廠Acer, Inc. 和Acer America Corporation (下稱宏碁)之電子商務服務,直接/間接侵害和惡意侵害Shipping and Transit所擁有之四件專利。

原告所主張受侵害之專利共四件(詳如表一及表三),US 7,030,781、US 7,400,970 、US 6,975,998和US 6,904,359為同一專利家族,分別是:

  • US 7,030,781,專利名稱為「告知車輛延誤的一方之通知系統和方法 (Notification System and Method that Informs a Party of Vehicle Delay)」,於2006年4月18日通過審查並公告,共有14個權利項,其中第1、2項為獨立項,其餘為附屬項;本件專利可用於監控如公共汽車、火車、送貨車、飛機、漁船、接送車輛或其它大眾運輸車輛之車輛或用戶的到達,有改進預先通知系統的靈活性之優點。
  • US 6,975,998,專利名稱為「封包傳送通知系統和方法 (Package Delivery Notification System and Method)」,於2005年12月13日通過審查並公告,共有13個權利項,其中第1、6、10項為獨立項,其餘為附屬項;本件專利可經由網路用於報告即將到來車輛之傳送,有通知接收方之精確封包傳送時間之優點。
  • US 7,400,970,專利名稱為「用於車輛的監視和報告近接的提前通知系統之系統和方法 (System and Method for an Advance Notification System for Monitoring and Reporting Proximity of a Vehicle)」,於2008年7月15日通過審查並公告,共有11個權利項,其中第1、4、8項為獨立項,其餘為附屬項;本件專利為用於預先地通知車輛上或於特定站的使用者之車輛即將到達的預先通知之系統和方法,有可以提供預定位置、時間或距離之形式的通知,及當車輛接近特定位置之前於車輛正離開其前停靠站可以提供通知等優點。
  • US 6,904,359,專利名稱為「基於事件的發生而與用戶可定義的通知之通知系統和方法 (Notification System and Methods with User-Defineable Notifications Based Upon Occurrence of Events)」,於2005年6月7日通過審查並公告,共有45個權利項,其中第1、19、21、40、41、43項為獨立項,其餘為附屬項;本件專利為用於預先地通知車輛上或於特定站的使用者之車輛即將到達的預先通知之系統和方法,有可以提供預定位置、時間或距離之形式的通知,及當車輛接近特定位置之前於車輛正離開其前停靠站可以提供通知等優點。

本案系爭專利群US 7,030,781、US 7,400,970 和US 6,904,359號專利屬於同一INPADOC專利家族,該家族共有80件專利申請案和公告案,分布於美國、奧地利、澳大利亞、英國、加拿大、中國大陸、德國、歐盟、日本、墨西哥、世界,表四詳列截至本文截稿為止之本案系爭專利INPODOC專利家族。

Shipping and Transit, LLC今年設立後,先後受讓Martin Kelly Jones博士所單獨發明且於歐洲盧森堡創立的ArrivalStar, Inc.以及英屬維爾京群島創立的Melvino Technologies, Inc. 兩家專利控股公司所申請之本案四件系爭美國專利。ArrivalStar及Melvino Technologies所持有的專利,雖皆為物流追蹤與監測技術領域,但卻構成綿密的專利網,對於從事物流網/物聯網的公司有著極大的威脅。

ArrivalStar / Melvino Technologies是提出專利訴訟前三名的patent trolls (專利蟑螂),利用法律訴訟及許可來賺取利潤,而無實際利用技術生產,因而成為美國專利改革的目標。

根據原告在訴狀中指稱,被告所提供的ADVANCE SHIP NOTICE和SHIPPING CONFIRMATION EMAIL之監測及通報服務∕產品∕系統∕方法侵害其專利權。被告Acer為我國電腦設備大廠,在美國提供消費者網路購買之電子商務,物流作業的監測及通報服務也是電子商務之一環。

在此之前,Shipping and Transit已對多家運輸公司及遠距醫療保健公司等提出告訴,近日再度積極向物聯網廠商提告,並不令人意外。(1805字;表4)

表一、系爭專利基本資料及代表圖示:Shipping and Transit, LLC v. Acer, Inc.
專利名稱 Notification System and Method that Informs a Party of Vehicle Delay  pclass_11155a_20150525.gif
公開號 US7,030,781
公告類型 B2
申請號 US 10/686, 925
公告日 2006年04月18日
申請日 2003年10月16日
優先權日 1993年05月18日
發明人 Martin Kelly Jones
原專利權人 Arrivalstar, Inc.
專利名稱 Package Delivery Notification System and Method  pclass_11155b_20150525.gif
公開號 US6,975,998
公告類型 B1
申請號 US 09/516,288
公告日 2005年12月13日
申請日 2000年03月01日
發明人 Martin Kelly Jones
原專利權人 Arrivalstar, Inc.
專利名稱 System and Method for an Advance Notification System for Monitoring and Reporting Proximity of a Vehicle  pclass_11155c_20150525.gif
公開號 US7,400,970
公告類型 B2
申請號 US 11/430,443
公告日 2008年07月15日
申請日 2006年05月09日
優先權日 1993年05月18日
發明人 Martin Kelly Jones
原專利權人 Melvino Technologies, Inc.
專利名稱 Notification System and Methods with User-Defineable Notifications Based Upon Occurrence of Events  pclass_11155d_20150525.gif
公開號 US6,904,359
公告類型 B2
申請號 US 10/435,767
公告日 2005年06月07日
申請日 2003年05月12日
優先權日 1993年05月18日
發明人 Martin Kelly Jones
原專利權人 Arrivalstar, Inc.


表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Shipping and Transit, LLC v. Acer, Inc.
訟案名稱 Shipping and Transit, LLC v. Acer, Inc.
提告日期 2015/5/7
原告 Shipping and Transit, LLC
被告 Acer, Inc. ACER America Corporation
案號 9:15-cv-80594
訴訟法院 Florida Southern District Court
案由 35:271 Patent Infringement 35:284 Willful Infringement
系爭專利 US7030781B2
訴狀下載 download.gif


表三(1)、系爭專利US7,030,781 Claim 1請求項解析
A method, comprising the steps of:

monitoring travel data associated with the vehicle;

comparing planned timing of the vehicle along a route to updated vehicle status information;

contacting a user communications device before the vehicle reaches a vehicle stop along the route; and

informing the user of the vehicle delay with respect to the vehicle stop and of updated impending arrival of the vehicle at the vehicle stop, based upon the updated vehicle status information and the planned timing.


表三(2)、系爭專利US6,975,998 Claim 1請求項解析
A system for reporting impending vehicle deliveries, comprising:

memory storing a vehicle schedule, said vehicle schedule identifying packages that are to be respectively delivered to a plurality of recipients by a vehicle during a first time period and indicating an order that said vehicle is expected to deliver said packages;

a first communications device configured to establish communication with remote communications devices; and

a system manager configured to analyze said vehicle schedule and to determine, based on said order, a second time period that said vehicle is expected to deliver one of said packages, said system manager further configured to transmit a notification message for a respective one of said recipients of said one of said packages via said first communications device, said notification message identifying said second time period;

wherein said second time period is within said first time period.


表三(3)、系爭專利US7,400,970 Claim 1請求項解析
A computer based notification system, comprising:

means for enabling communication with a user that is designated to receive delivery of a package;

means for presenting one or more selectable options to the user, the selectable options including at least an activation option for instigating monitoring of travel data associated with a vehicle that is delivering the package to the user;

means for requesting entry by the user of a package identification number or package delivery number, each pertaining to delivery of the package;

means for identifying the vehicle based upon the entry;

means for requesting entry by the user of contact information indicating one or more communication media to be used in connection with a notification communication to the user;

means for monitoring the travel data; and

means for initiating the notification communication pertaining to the package via the one or more communication media, based upon the travel data.


表三(4)、系爭專利US6,904,359 Claim 1請求項解析
A method for a notification system, the method for allowing a user to define when the user is to receive a vehicle status report relating to the status of a mobile vehicle, in relation to a location, the method comprising the steps of:

(a)permitting the user to predefine one or more events that will cause creation and communication of the vehicle status report by the following steps:

(1) permitting the user to establish a first communication link with a host computer system using a user communications device that is remote from the host computer;

(2) receiving during the first communication link at the host computer system an identification of the one or more events relating to the status, wherein the one or more events comprises at least one of the following: distance information specified by the user that is indicative of a distance between the vehicle and the location, location information specified by the user that is indicative of a location or region that the vehicle achieves during travel, time information specified by the user that is indicative of a time for travel of the vehicle to the location, or a number of one or more stops that the vehicle accomplishes prior to arriving at the location;
(2) 在於該主電腦系統之該第一通信鏈路的時期內,接收有關該狀態的該一個或多個事件的標識,其中該一個或多個事件包括下列中至少一個:由該使用者特定之顯示該車輛和該位置間一距離的距離資訊、由該使用者特定之顯示於行進時期內該車輛到達一位置或區域的位置資訊、由該使用者特定之顯示用於該車輛的行進至該位置之一時間的時間資訊,或一群到達該位置前該車輛經過之一個或多個停靠站;

(3) storing the predefined one or more events in memory associated with the host computer system;

(b) analyzing data indicative of travel of the mobile vehicle;

(c)initiating a second communication link from the host computer system to a remote communications device to be notified, when appropriate, based upon the predefined one or more events and data indicative of travel; and
(c) 啟動從該主電腦系統向被通知的一遠端通信裝置之一第二通信鏈路,當適當時,根依據該所預定義一個或多個事件和行進所顯示數據;及

(d) delivering the status report from the host computer to the notified remote communications device during the second communication link, the status report indicating occurrence of the one or more events.
(d) 於該第二通信鏈路的時期內,發送來自該主電腦系統將通知該遠端通信裝置之該狀態報告,該狀態報告顯示該一個或多個事件的發生。


系爭專利1  US7030781B2  (80)
美國 US5400020A,   US5623260A,   US5657010A,  US5668543A, US2678936B1, US6313760B1, US6317060B1, US6363323B1, US6411891B1, US6415207B1, US6486801B1, US6492912B1, US6618668B1, US6683542B1, US6700507B2, US6714859B2, US6741927B2, US6748318B1, US6748320B2, US6763299B2, US6763300B2, US6804606B2, US6859722B2, US6904359B2, US6952645B1, US7089107B2, US7191058B2, US7400970B2, US20020070882A1, US20020082770A1, US20030093218A1, US20030098802A1, US20030146854A1, US20030193412A1, US20020193413A1, US20030193414A1, US20030195696A1, US20020195697A1, US20030195698A1, US20030195699A1, US20020233188A1, US20030233190A1, US20040044467A1, US20040083054A1, US20060097896A1, US20060206257A1
奧地利 AT273547T
澳大利亞 AU199864535A, AU199962849A, AU199964047A, AU200026087A, AU200033933A, AU200139984A
英國 BR199808005A, BR200007537A, BR200008670A
加拿大 CA2283239A1, CA2283239C, CA2360288A1, CA2363556A1, CA2363556C
中國大陸 CN1345413A
德國 DE60104824D1, DE60104824T2
歐盟 EP1261902A1, EP1261902A4, EP1264296A1, EP1264296A4, EP1264296B1, EP966720A1, EP966720A4
日本 JP2002538448A
墨西哥 MX2001008914A
世界 WO1998040837A1, WO2000019170A1, WO2000019171A1, WO2000042562A1, WO2000052422A1, WO2001065524A1
系爭專利2  US6975998B1  (6)
美國 US20060026047A1
澳大利亞 AU200143361A
歐盟 EP1266326A1, EP1266326A4
世界 WO2001065451A1
系爭專利3  US7400970B2  (80)
美國 US5400020A,   US5623260A,   US5657010A,  US5668543A, US2678936B1, US6313760B1, US6317060B1, US6363323B1, US6411891B1, US6415207B1, US6486801B1, US6492912B1, US6618668B1, US6683542B1, US6700507B2, US6714859B2, US6741927B2, US6748318B1, US6748320B2, US6763299B2, US6763300B2, US6804606B2, US6859722B2, US6904359B2, US6952645B1, US7030781B2, US7089107B2, US7191058B2, US20020070882A1, US20020082770A1, US20030093218A1, US20030098802A1, US20030146854A1, US20030193412A1, US20020193413A1, US20030193414A1, US20030195696A1, US20020195697A1, US20030195698A1, US20030195699A1, US20020233188A1, US20030233190A1, US20040044467A1, US20040083054A1, US20060097896A1, US20060206257A1
奧地利 AT273547T
澳大利亞 AU199864535A, AU199962849A, AU199964047A, AU200026087A, AU200033933A, AU200139984A
英國 BR199808005A, BR200007537A, BR200008670A
加拿大 CA2283239A1, CA2283239C, CA2360288A1, CA2363556A1, CA2363556C
中國大陸 CN1345413A
德國 DE60104824D1, DE60104824T2
歐盟 EP1261902A1, EP1261902A4, EP1264296A1, EP1264296A4, EP1264296B1, EP966720A1, EP966720A4
日本 JP2002538448A
墨西哥 MX2001008914A
世界 WO1998040837A1, WO2000019170A1, WO2000019171A1, WO2000042562A1, WO2000052422A1, WO2001065524A1
系爭專利4  US6904359B2  (80)
美國 US5400020A,   US5623260A,   US5657010A,  US5668543A, US2678936B1, US6313760B1, US6317060B1, US6363323B1, US6411891B1, US6415207B1, US6486801B1, US6492912B1, US6618668B1, US6683542B1, US6700507B2, US6714859B2, US6741927B2, US6748318B1, US6748320B2, US6763299B2, US6763300B2, US6804606B2, US6859722B2, US6952645B1, US7030781B2, US7089107B2, US7191058B2, US7400970B2 US20020070882A1, US20020082770A1, US20030093218A1, US20030098802A1, US20030146854A1, US20030193412A1, US20020193413A1, US20030193414A1, US20030195696A1, US20020195697A1, US20030195698A1, US20030195699A1, US20020233188A1, US20030233190A1, US20040044467A1, US20040083054A1, US20060097896A1, US20060206257A1
奧地利 AT273547T
澳大利亞 AU199864535A, AU199962849A, AU199964047A, AU200026087A, AU200033933A, AU200139984A
英國 BR199808005A, BR200007537A, BR200008670A
加拿大 CA2283239A1, CA2283239C, CA2360288A1, CA2363556A1, CA2363556C
中國大陸 CN1345413A
德國 DE60104824D1, DE60104824T2
歐盟 EP1261902A1, EP1261902A4, EP1264296A1, EP1264296A4, EP1264296B1, EP966720A1, EP966720A4
日本 JP2002538448A
墨西哥 MX2001008914A
世界 WO1998040837A1, WO2000019170A1, WO2000019171A1, WO2000042562A1, WO2000052422A1, WO2001065524A1
