
相機手機影像擷取傳輸專利訴訟 e-Watch控告Apple

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年12月19日
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2013年12月9日營業處所設立於美國德州,以研發販售保全監視系統之軟硬體設備的公司e-Watch Corporation與e-Watch, Inc.(前者為依據德州州法所設立的公司,後者則依據內華達州州法設立,兩者營業處所地址相同,以下統稱e-Watch),向美國德州東區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告Apple, Inc.(下稱Apple)所生產販售之可在蜂巢式網路中運作的內建相機手機產品(camera phones),例如iPhone 4S等,侵害e-Watch所擁有之兩項與影像擷取、轉換、壓縮、儲存與傳輸系統有關的專利權利。

e-Watch在本案起訴同日,亦向相同法院提起另外三起專利侵權告訴,控告我國手機大廠HTC Corporation(案號為2:13-cv-01063)、韓國的Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (案號為2:13-cv-01062)與LG Electronics, Inc. (案號為2:13-cv-01064)等,其所生產銷售的內建相機手機產品,例如HTC One、Samsung Galaxy SIII、LG Viper 4G LTE等,侵害本案相同專利權利。而後在次日,e-Watch又提起七起告訴,控告中興(ZTE Corporation)、華為(Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.)、Sony Corporation、Sharp Corporation、Kyocera Communications, Inc.、Nokia Corporation、BlackBerry Limited等所生產銷售的內建相機手機產品,侵害本案相同專利權利。

本案兩項系爭專利為美國專利編號US 7,365,871與US 7,643,168,名稱均為「用來經由數位傳輸系統擷取、轉換與傳輸視覺影像信號之裝置(Apparatus for capturing, converting and transmitting a visual image signal via a digital transmission system)」,分別於2008年4月29日與2010年1月5日核發,發明人均為e-Watch總裁David A. Monroe。

e-Watch曾在2012年7月17日向德州西區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告我國廠商建騰創達之美國孫公司ACTi Corporation INC.,其銷售之智慧攝影機產品,侵害e-Watch所擁有之4項專利權利(案號為5:12-cv-00695-HLH)。此外,e-Watch亦曾在2012年5月17日,基於其所擁有之兩項專利權利,控告德商Mobotix AG 的美國分公司Mobotix Corp. 所製造販售之數位影像監視系統構成專利侵權(可參見本網站過往報導《數位影像監視系統專利侵權,e-Watch控告Mobotix》)。 (842字;表3)


US 7,365,871請求項1 US 7,643,168請求項1
1. A handheld self-contained cellular telephone and integrated image processing system for both sending and receiving telephonic audio signals and for capturing a visual image and transmitting it to a compatible remote receiving station of a wireless telephone network, the system comprising:
1. Apparatus comprising:

a manually portable housing;

a portable housing (FIG.6B - 160), the portable housing being wireless;

an integral image capture device comprising an electronic camera (FIG.6B - 10) contained within the portable housing;

an image collection device (FIG.6B - 10) supported by the portable housing, the image collection device being operable to provide visual image data of a field of view;

a display for displaying an image framed by the camera, the display being supported by the housing, the display and the electronic camera being commonly movable in the housing when the housing is moved by hand;

a display (FIG.6B - 170) supported by the portable housing, the display being operable to display for viewing by a user a perceptible visual image, the perceptible visual image being generated from the visual image data;

a processor in the housing for generating an image data signal representing the image framed by the camera;

memory (FIG.6B – 72) supported by the portable housing, the memory being suitable to receive visual image data in digital format, the memory being suitable to retain the visual image data in digital format,

a memory (FIG.6B - 72) associated with the processor for receiving and storing the digitized framed image, accessible for selectively displaying in the display window and accessible for selectively transmitting over the wireless telephone network the digitized framed image;

an input device supported by the portable housing, the input device being operable by the user;

a user interface for enabling a user to select the image data signal for viewing and transmission;

operation of the input device by the user enabling the memory to retain the visual image data in digital format, the memory being suitable to provide retained visual image data in digital format;

a telephonic system (FIG.6B - 164) in the housing for sending and receiving digitized audio signals and for sending the image data signal;

media supported by the portable housing, the media being suitable to embody at least one compression algorithm;

alphanumeric input keys in the housing for permitting manually input digitized alphanumeric signals to be input to the processor, the telephonic system further used for sending the digitized alphanumeric signals;

at least one processing platform supported by the portable housing, the at least one processing platform being operable to execute the at least one compression algorithm, the at least one processing platform being provided the retained visual image data in digital format, execution of the at least one compression algorithm providing compressed visual image data; and

a wireless communications device adapted for transmitting any of the digitized signals to the compatible remote receiving station; and

a mobile phone supported by the portable housing, the mobile phone being operable to send to a remote recipient a wireless transmission, the wireless transmission conveying the compressed digital image data; and

a power supply (FIG.6B - 162) for powering the system.

movement by the user of the portable housing commonly moving the image collection device, movement by the user of the portable housing commonly moving the display.



Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/12



訴訟名稱 e-Watch Inc. et al v. Apple, Inc.
提告日期 2013年12月9日
原告 e-Watch Inc.e-Watch Corporation
被告 Apple, Inc.
案號 2:13-cv-01061
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
系爭專利 US 7,365,871US 7,643,168
系爭產品 Apple所生產銷售之內建相機行動電話(camera phones),如iPhone 4S,
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/12


提告日期 訴訟名稱 被告 案號
2013年12月9日 e-Watch, Inc. et al v.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. et al
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Samsung Telecommunications America LLC
e-Watch, Inc. et al v.
HTC Corporation
HTC Corporation 2:13-cv-01063
e-Watch Inc. et. al. v.
LG Electronics Inc.
LG Electronics Inc. 2:13-cv-01064
2013年12月10日 e-Watch, Inc. et al v.
ZTE Corporation et al
ZTE CorporationZTE (USA) Inc.
ZTE Solutions Inc.
e-Watch Inc. et al v.
Sony Corporation et al
Sony Corporation
Sony Mobile Communications AB
e-Watch Inc. et al v.
Sharp Corporation
Sharp Corporation 2:13-cv-01074
e-Watch Inc. et al v.
Nokia Corporation et al
Nokia Corporation
Nokia Inc.
e-Watch Inc. et al v.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. et al
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Huawei Technologies USA, Inc.
e-Watch Inc. et al v.
Kyocera Communications, Inc. et al
Kyocera Communications, Inc.
Kyocera International Inc.
e-Watch Inc. et al v.
BlackBerry Limited et al
BlackBerry Limited
BlackBerry Corporation

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/12
